Title: 從消費者生活型態探討百貨業之市場區隔-以台北市大型百貨公司為例
From Consumer Life-style Research to Study Market Segmentationof Department Stores:The Case of Large Department Stores in Taipei City
Authors: 張瑛琇
Ying-Hsiu Chang
Tzong-Yau Chu
Keywords: 生活型態;市場區隔;百貨業;消費者行為;life style;market segmentation;department store;consumer behavior
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 百貨業對於一國經濟活動與社會生活具有重大貢獻及影響。近年來,百貨業為零售產業中最熱門的產業之一,但零售業的蓬勃發展,也使得競爭進入空前激烈、內外夾擊的情況,而抓住消費者的胃口,予以耳目一新的感受,以創造獨特性的市場區隔策略,則是業者應該採取的經營策略,因此本研究對於百貨業的消費者行為與消費者生活型態對市場區隔的影響進行研究與探討。 本研究採問卷的方式,從消費者生活型態觀點探討百貨業消費者之市場區隔調查,利用SPSS軟體進行因素分析及集群分析,以獲得消費者生活型態的資料,再運用卡方檢定得出各區隔市場的不同消費者行為、生活型態及人口統計變數。 研究結果顯示,百貨業消費者可依據生活型態,將市場區隔為『衝動新奇型』、『品牌便利型』與『流行尋價型』等三個集群。各市場區隔的百貨業消費者在消費動機、消費頻率、消費金額、消費業種、消費時段、交通工具、資訊來源、賣場吸引力等八項消費者行為變數及人口統計變數中的職業和所得兩項變數上,具有顯著差異。 本研究建議百貨業者可運用生活型態對消費者進行區隔後,針對不同的消費族群來選擇與強調不同的業種組合與服務作為自己的定位,並進行與發展相關行銷之策略,以吸引不同消費者生活型態的消費者。
Department stores have an important contribution and influence on the economy and society in a country. Recently, department stores have become one of the economically important retail sectors. But overall, the rising and development of competing format is making the environment more competitive. What strategy is needed by the proprietors to create unique market segments that match the demand of customers? Therefore, the purpose of this study is to study the consumer behavior of shoppers in department stores and in the derivation of market segments. The questionnaire was used to collect life style data about Taipei large department store shoppers. The resulting data were analyzed by using factor analysis and cluster analysis to determine the consumer life styles. The desired hypotheses were then tested using chi-square to analysis the consumer behavior and demographic data in each market segment. According to life style variances, we can segment the market into three types: “impulse and newfangled type”, “brand and searching for convenience type” and “popular and looking for low price type“. The findings indicates that there are significant difference among consumers’ consumption motivation, consumption frequency, consumption amount, consumption category, and transportation, information source, and attractions of the department store. The demographic variances of occupation and income showed great difference in market segmentation. This study suggests that proprietors can use life style to segment consumers and then select different positions and develop related marketing strategies to attract different life styles consumer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis