標題: 消費者滿意度、涉入程度對其忠誠度影響之研究--以台北市咖啡連鎖店為例
The Effects of Customer Satisfaction and Involvement Levels on Customer Loyalty—An Empirical study of Coffee Chain Stores in Taipei City Area
作者: 李孟陵
Meng-Lin Li
Dr. Tzong-Yau Chu
關鍵字: 消費者滿意度;消費者忠誠度;涉入程度;中介效果;Costomer Satisfaction;Costomer loyalty;Involvement;Mediating effects
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近年來咖啡館不斷地在大街小巷崛起,可見各品牌咖啡館的戰國時期已然展開,連鎖品牌的引進與知名財團的投入,不外乎是因為看好國內咖啡市場,著眼於其背後可觀的商機,但到底台灣的咖啡市場還有多大的發展空間?隨著國人飲用咖啡的習慣逐漸養成,頻率日漸升高,各咖啡品牌展店的數目和速度也全力加快,市場供需間的競爭自然日漸白熱化,因此,各咖啡連鎖店如何鎖定目標客層,培養滿意的顧客群,進而建立消費者對其的忠誠度,就必須各憑本事了。本研究試圖針對咖啡連鎖店建構消費者滿意度與忠誠度間關係的架構,並納入消費者本身對咖啡的涉入程度加以探討,希望能提供相關業者在經營管理上與行銷策略上的建議與修正。 本研究選定的產業範圍為咖啡連鎖店,礙於人力與時間的限制,選定台北市作為本研究的研究地理範圍,並定義本研究所指咖啡連鎖店乃是在台北市具有七家分店以上的咖啡連鎖業者。本研究選定丹堤、羅多倫、客喜康、伊是、西雅圖極品以及星巴克等六家台北市咖啡連鎖店之消費者作為研究母體,透過「分層比例抽樣」,共發放600份結構性問卷,回收有效問卷549份,使用統計套裝軟體SPSS8.0作為資料分析工具,採用描述性統計、T檢定、變異數分析、相關分析與複迴歸分析等統計方法,得知以下研究結果: 1.「人口統計變數」對「滿意度」或對「忠誠度」的差異只有部分顯著。 2.「涉入程度」對「滿意度」或對「忠誠度」的差異皆為顯著。 3.「滿意度」與「忠誠度」具有顯著的關聯性。 4.「涉入程度」對滿意度與忠誠度間關係具有中介效果。 針對以上研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 1.吸引一個新顧客所需花費的成本是留住一個舊有顧客的五倍之多(Kolter, Leong, Ang & Tan,1996),顯見提升消費者忠誠度的重要性,而本研究發現消費者滿意度與忠誠度間的確呈現正向關係,表示滿意度的提升能有效帶動忠誠度,使得消費者願意再次購買、推薦親朋好友購買,甚至可以容忍產品價格的些微上漲,因此,咖啡連鎖業者有必要致力於各滿意度構面的改善,以提升每位顧客在每次消費經驗的滿意感受。 2.根據本研究發現,消費者本身涉入程度的不同,對於各滿意度構面的表現也會有所差異,因此,消費者的「涉入程度」亦可作為未來要進入咖啡連鎖業的企業一個市場區隔的依據,鎖定特定的目標客群,以訂定企業的行銷策略。針對高、低涉入兩個不同的消費群,本研究亦提出策略上的相關建議。
In the present decade, new coffee chain shops have been springing up all over Taiwan. It has become one of major diversions for Taiwaners to drink coffee as leisure. Coffee shops of new style and chain store in metropolitan area increase rapidly, which indicates this lucrative market of metropolises for shop owners. With the national income promoting and the rising of consuming level, the competition of business in Taiwan has turned gradually violent. We not only just supply high product and service quality for customer satisfied, but also face the next lesson. It was how to meet the customer’s need and let satisfied customers can buy again and become honest consumer, then increase the profits of the business enterprise. This research takes coffee chain shops as target, try to discuss the relationship between costomer satisfaction, costomer involvement and costomer loyalty. We hope the findings of the research can do some help to them. The research is aimed at the customers living in Taipei. The Coffee chain shops of interest are Dante, Starbucks, IS, Barista, Kohihan and Doutor. A structued questionnaire is used to investigate the data perrinent to consumers’ demographics, satisfaction, involvement and loylaty. Totally, out of 600 issued questionnaires, and 549 valid questionnaire are collected. Hypotheses are analyzed via statistical techniques including:descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s alpha, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and regression. There are several findings as follows: 1.A partly significant difference between consumers’ demographics in different costomer satisfaction or loyalty. 2.A significant difference between costomer involvement in costomer satisfaction or loyalty. 3.The relationship between constomer satisfaction and loyalty is positive completely. 4.Costomer Involvement has mediating effects in the relationship between constomer satisfaction and loyalty.
Appears in Collections:Thesis