標題: 從性別差異觀點探析餐飲業顧客的正面與負面回應
Gender Differences in Restaurant Customers’ Positive and Negative Responses
作者: 何淑熏
Shu-Hsun Ho
Dr. Jen-Hung Huang
關鍵字: 顧客滿意;性別差異;負面反應;正面反應;滿意因子;不滿意因子;customer satisfaction;gender differences;negative responses;positive responses;satisfier;dissatisfier
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 雖然公司有著員工服務訓練課程,但對站在第一線的員工要求其能分辨各種不同顧客的特質以便做更佳的服務,是件令人深覺困擾的工作。性別是個很好又方便的指標,可讓員工減少困擾及出錯的機會。因為有明確的指標,員工會對其工作較有信心,同時也可提供較佳的服務。本博士論文研究男性和女性在接受到滿意和不滿意的服務後,是否會有不同的反應及行動。男女顧客面對同樣的服務狀況所採取的不同反應和行動,顯示出男女顧客在正面反應和負面反應上對公司的潛在影響。 服務業與其他產業相比較是個比較容易接受到或感受到顧客回應的一個產業。這份研究以餐廳顧客為研究對象,了解這些顧客在接受滿意或不滿意的服務後的反應。九種顧客接受滿意服務的可能反應經過關聯性分析得出這些反應之間具有高度相關性,表示可進一步做因素分析。探索性因素分析先採行以決定因素個數,確認性因素分析再一次確認分組個數無誤。經過因素分析將九種正面反應分為兩組:第一組命名為:消極型正面反應,第二組為:積極型正面反應。研究結果支持假設:如果接受滿意服務,女性顧客比男性顧客較願意表達正面的反應和行動。 同樣過程,十種負面反應可歸成三類:第一類:消極的抱怨行為,第二類:積極的抱怨行為,第三類:口耳相傳(word of mouth)。分析結果同樣支持假設:如果接受不滿意服務,女性顧客比男性顧客顯現較強烈的意願採取抱怨行動。但其中有一項例外,抱怨反應中的一項可能行動是投訴消基會,男性顧客比起女性顧客較可能採行這行動,這結果顯示男性顧客比較傾向採取法律途徑解決問題。 藉由顧客的正面反應與負面反應,公司的服務品質可加以提昇,另一方面公司利潤也可因此增加。本論文藉由分析男性顧客與女性顧客在接受滿意與不滿意服務的不同反應情形,可幫助公司計劃更有效的員工訓練暨而提升服務品質。
With companies’ training programs, the front-line service providers still often find it difficult and feel frustrated to distinguish customer characteristics. Gender as a salient indicator could help employees feel much comfortable in their jobs and be able to provide better services. This study investigated whether men and women react differently when they receive satisfactory and dissatisfactory services. The different responses between men and women disclose the preferences of male and female customers as well as the potentials of customer recommendation and complaining power. Hospitality industries have greater potentials to receive customer’s’ responses than other industries. This research studies restaurant customers’ reactions when the customers received satisfactory or dissatisfactory services. The correlation matrix of these 9 positive response behaviors shows that the variables are highly correlated, indicating that the variables can be grouped. Exploratory factor analysis is first applied to determine the number of factors. The 9 complimentary responses load on 2 factors which named as “passive complimentary responses” and “active complimentary responses” respectively. The study supports the hypothesis that female consumers are more willing to deliver complimentary responses than male customers do. Ten negative response behaviors load on 3 factors. The first group was named as "passive complaining responses”. Factor was labeled as “active complaining responses”. Factor 3 is composed of two behaviors: “informing relatives and friends”, and “posting it on the Web”. Factor 3 is labeled as “WOM” (word-of-mouth). The results support the hypothesis that female respondents are more likely to present complaints than male customers. There is one exception at the scenario, complaining to the Consumers’ Foundation, male consumers showed more willingness to take this reaction than female customers. The result implies that male customers are more likely to take the legal actions for solving the problems. Service quality and company’s profits can be improved by customers’ positive as well as negative responses. This research helps companies to become capable of managing better service quality and effective training programs by analyzing the essential differences in complimentary and complaining behaviors between male and female customers.
Appears in Collections:Thesis