Title: 單向流型潔淨室中機台發熱量對流場的影響
Effects of Heat Dissipation for Workbench on Airflow in Unidirectional Flow Type Clean Room
Authors: 林瑋義
Wei-Yi Lin
Hsin-Sen Chu
Keywords: 潔淨室;熱擴散;機台;Cleanroom;Heat Dissipation;Workbench
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 潔淨室已經被廣泛的使用在很多高科技的工業,在過去的二十年間,已經有許多論文研究不同型式的潔淨室之流場。然而,根據本人的了解,過去很少有文獻研究在單向流型潔淨室中之機台設備發熱量對流場的影響。 本文用數值與實驗的方法研究機台發熱量對流場的影響,在流場的數值計算方面採用計算流體力學商業套裝軟體STAR-CD,在實驗方面使用三維超音波風速計來量測流場,並比較數值計算與實驗量測的結果。 研究結果顯示:當機台無因次化高度為0.435,機台之間無因次化距離為0.217時,是機台擺設的最佳距離,而當機台之間無因次化距離為0.783,則機台周圍的流場不會受到另一機台的影響。潔淨室入口速度愈小時,自然對流效應會較明顯,因此可以在發熱機台上方局部加強入口風速,以抑制自然對流效應。
Clean room had been widely used in various high tech industries. In the past two decades. So many researches had been carried out to study the flow field of different types of clean room. However, to the author’s knowledge, there were still very few researches devoted to the study of the effects of heat dissipation of workbench on the flow field in unidirectional flow type clean room. This research studies the heat dissipation effects on the airflow both numerically and experimentally. The STAR-CD commercial CFD software had been used for the numerical calculation of the flow field. The airflow field had also been measured by the 3-D ultrasonic anemometer. The experimental measurements are compared with that of numerical calculation. Results show that the optimum dimensionless distance is 0.217 as the dimensionless 0.435 height of workbench and the independent dimensionless distance is 0.783 between two ones. The manifest effect of nature convection is observed with decreasing the velocity of supply air in clean room. Thus, to avoid the nature convection effects, the air velocity of local region of workbench which generates heat is enhanced.
Appears in Collections:Thesis