標題: 二異氰酸甲苯個人採樣器的現場測試研究
Evaluation of Samplers for Toluene Diisocyanate
作者: 林希貞
Hsi-Chen Lin
Chuen-Jinn Tsai
關鍵字: 現場空氣採樣;三層濾紙分離採樣器;二異氰酸甲苯;Field sampling;Triple filter system;TDI
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究目的為在實驗室及勞工作業現場比較新型三層濾紙系統(TFS)與其他採樣系統對TDI的採樣性能,包括環型擴散管系統(ADS)、雙層濾紙系統(DFS)、開放式濾紙匣(OFFC)及封閉式濾紙匣(CFFC)。由文獻中可知,新型三層濾紙系統可以克服環型擴散管系統及雙層濾紙系統的缺點,包括繁雜的裱敷程序、價格昂貴、及TDI氣膠濃度被高估。 本研究在實驗室發現,當採樣時間短僅10分鐘且在高濕度的情況下,新型三層濾紙採樣器能正確的分離TDI氣體與氣膠的濃度,實驗所得的濃度與環型擴散管相同。由濕度測試可知,相對濕度若在80%以下時,並不影響濾紙或擴散管採集TDI的採樣效率。另外,較大的差異則反應在採樣時間的長短,當採樣時間愈長,採集的2,4-TDI濃度則符合一階衰減行為,其中又以未裱敷衍生試劑的鐵氟龍濾紙最為嚴重,裱敷衍生試劑的玻璃纖維濾紙次之,裱敷衍生試劑的環型擴散管再次之。 本研究於民國91年9月至11月在台中一間泡綿工廠進行現場採樣測試,比對的採樣器包括TFS、ADS、DFS、OFFC及CFFC。為了研究採樣時間對採樣濃度的影響,我們選擇了不同採樣時間做比較,結果顯示新型三層濾紙系統與其他採樣系統之總TDI濃度相當,在短時間15分鐘之內的採樣下,新型三層濾紙系統及環型擴散管系統收集氣膠態及氣態濃度皆非常接近。現場測試的結果驗證了新型三層濾紙系統用於TDI現場採樣的可行性,這對於TDI氣膠及氣體同步採樣是相當方便的系統,此系統將來更可以應用在其他異氰酸鹽類氣膠及氣體的分離採樣。
This study was carried-out to compare the performance of five kinds of sampler for toluene diisocyanate (TDI), i.e. triple filter system (TFS), annular denuder system (ADS), dual filter system (DFS), open-face filter cassette (OFFC) and closed-face filter cassette (CFFC). Laboratory tests showed that there was no obvious difference between two relative humidities with different media. Further, it can say that the lon-ger the sampling time, the faster the concentration of 2,4-TDI decreased. The loss rate of TDI during the chamber runs followed first order decay behavior. The field comparison study was carried-out in a polyurethane foam factory situ-ated in Taichung, Taiwan during September to October 2002. Sampling was perform-ed at different time intervals to study the time effect on sampling concentrations. The results show that the concentrations of total TDI estimated by the TFS are comparable to those by the ADS and other filter systems. The comparison with ADS shows that TFS works well with 15-min sampling period, which is the standard duration for TDI sampling. The test data prove the reliability of TFS in the field sampling of TDI. It is a convenient system for the simultaneous sampling of vapor- and aerosol-phase TDI, and derivatives of other isocyanates
Appears in Collections:Thesis