標題: 手排齒輪箱換檔過程之動態模擬分析
Dynamic Simulation and Analysis of Shifting Process on Manual Transmission Gearbox
作者: 劉彥辰
Yen-Chen Liu
Ching-Huan Tseng
關鍵字: 同步器;齒輪箱;模擬;嚙合;車輛;田口法;synchronizer;transmission gearbox;simulation;engagement;vehicle;Taguchi method
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 同步器最主要用於手排(MT)與自手排(AMT)汽車變速齒輪箱,其功能在於避免換檔時會產生不正常的齒輪撞擊;此裝置可以確保齒輪於嚙合前,嚙合的齒輪與同步軸套間達同樣轉速,而使嚙合動作能夠平順,並減少齒輪嚙合時未同步所造成的撞擊。因為應用手排齒輪箱的汽車無論是手排或自手排的市場都已漸漸成熟,所以對一個高傳動效率、高換檔性能與低成本同步器的需求,也漸漸受到重視。 本論文針對排檔過程中用於避免齒輪間不正常撞擊的同步器,提出了一個動態模擬分析的模型。此建立於ADAMSTM的模型,除了模擬出完整的排檔過程外,更將此完整的排檔過程分割成兩個各別的模組,以協助了解同步軸套與離合齒輪間隨機嚙合的情形,並改善同步器因為機構原件複雜與作動時間短所產生無法在一般實驗過程中完整了解其詳細作動的問題。最後,本論文使用田口設計法進行排檔過程中同步器性能的最佳化,而這樣的結果,除了可以更仔細的協助了解同步器作動過程外,也提供於改善車輛對於手排齒輪箱操作舒適性與同步器使用壽命上的兩大需求。
The synchronizer is mainly used to avoid the abnormal impact during shifting for manual transmission (MT) and automated manual transmission (AMT) system. This device makes sure that the rotational velocity of transmission gear equals to that of synchronizer sleeve after the synchronization process in order to smooth the process of engagement, and avoid the abnormal impact from different rotational velocity during engaging. Since the development of MT as well as AMT, using manual transmission gearbox, gradually mature recently, a high transmission efficiency, high shifting capability, and low cost of synchronizer is necessary. The thesis presents dynamic analysis and simulation on synchronizer, which is used to avoid the abnormal impact between different gear ratio during shifting on manual transmission gearbox. Because the complicated mechanism and random engagement of synchronizer are all shrouded in a short time, it is difficult to realize the synchronization process by experiment. Using ADAMS, the entire shifting process and two minor phase modules, separated from entire shift process, are all constructed for realizing synchronized action and random mesh between sleeve and clutch gear. After verifying results from the simulation model, Taguchi method was used by the thesis to optimize the performance of synchronization. Consequently, the results on this thesis can help to not only understand synchronization process but also provide for improving two major demands on manual transmission gearbox, which are vehicle operational comfort and lifespan of synchronizer.


  1. 450401.pdf
  2. 450402.pdf

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