標題: 機器人夾爪研發於遠端呈現之應用
Development of Robotic Gripper for Telepresence in a Telerobotic system
作者: 陳泰安
Tai-Ann Chen
Kuu-Young Youn
關鍵字: 遠端呈現;遠端操作;夾爪;telepresence;teleoperation;gripper
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 在一些具有危險性或未知的環境中,常使用遠端操控技術來遙控機器人以達成任務。為了要讓操作者能更真實感覺到遠端環境並且靈活的操控機器人,需要在遠端操控系統中加入遠端呈現的技術。我們實驗室發展了一套結合虛擬實境之遠端操控機器人系統,當操作者透過虛擬實境模擬系統下達命令的同時,遠端環境的視覺和觸覺的資訊能夠在近端呈現。然而觸覺資訊的部分,由於原本的機械夾爪設計簡陋無法滿足觸感的需求,因此我們研製了一機器人夾爪系統,包括夾爪的機構裝置、直流伺服馬達、壓力感測系統、以及自製的伺服驅動系統。當下達夾取命令到伺服驅動系統時,馬達的轉矩透過齒輪齒條帶動夾爪閉合,一旦夾爪接觸物體時,壓力感測器會回傳壓力資訊,我們分析這個壓力資訊來作為夾取力的控制,經過實驗抓取、抬舉、置放的實驗,來夾取蕃茄、雞蛋等柔軟易碎的物體。此外,夾爪在夾取物體時能夠即時的回傳夾爪表面的接觸力和移動位置資訊,模擬出虛擬實境中物體受力形變的行為。
For the hazardous or uncertain environment, we can use the telerobotic system for task execution. To let people have a more realistic feeling of the remote environment and manipulate the robot more efficiently, we need to enhance telepresence for the telerobotic system. Motivated by this idea, we apply the virtual reality (VR) technique for telepresence generation for our developed telerobotic system. While the operator sends command through VR engine, he (she) will receive visual and haptic feedbacks from the remote environment. However, the original gripper cannot get haptic information from the remote environment. Therefore, we develop the robotic gripper for telepresence in a telerobotic system. The developed gripper system consists of the mechanism itself, DC servomotor, tactile sensor system, and servo driven system. When we send commands to the servo driven system, the torque of the motor will close the gripper close through the rack and gear. The tactile sensor may sense haptic information, while the gripper contacts the object. The grasping force is estimated based on the haptic information. Besides, the feedbacks can be used to simulate the behavior in the virtual environment.