標題: 力覺回饋系統於機器人遠端操控之應用
Applying Force-Reflection System for Robotic Telemanpulation
作者: 林洺樞
Ming-Shu Lin
Kuu-Young Young
關鍵字: 力覺回饋;遠端操控;機械夾爪;力回饋搖桿;force-reflection;telemanipulation;gripper;haptic feedback joystick
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 自從機器人發展至今以來,各種創新的機器人研究技術不斷推陳出新。機器人存在的意義是希望幫人類分擔工作,亦或是代替人類執行不易完成的任務,因此機器人必須擁有人類從事工作的各種功能工具,例如眼、手、腳等,但由於人工智慧技術尚未發展純熟,某些工作仍然必須由人類及機器人合作完成,這也就是機器人遠端操控技術發展的原因。遠端操控技術通常應用在具有危險性或未知且必須與人類有互動的環境,為了讓操作者能很真實地感覺到遠端環境所發生的狀況,並且能夠隨心所慾地操縱機器人,則必須在系統中融入遠端呈現技術。本實驗室發展一套虛擬實境之遠端操控機器人系統,透過實驗室自行開發的力回饋搖桿以及本論文所發展的力感測機械夾爪,達成遠端操控系統中的力覺回饋功能。使用者可藉由操縱搖桿來控制遠端的夾爪並得到遠端環境的力覺資訊,當夾爪接觸物體時,壓力感測器便回傳力量資料,藉由回饋回來的力量大小,再加上論文所提出的操控機制,來執行夾取、提起、放下的動作,藉此達到與環境互動的效果,我們以實地夾取番茄及雞蛋等非常容柔軟或易碎的物品來印證所發展系統的可行性。
As a dream, the robot is developed to be as capable as the human. However, due to the limitation of artificial intelligence and others, many tasks still demand the cooperation of human and machine. This motivates the development of the telerobotic system and telepresence. The telerobotic system is usually applied in the environment that is hazardous and unknown to human. And telepresence is intended to let people have a more realistic feeling of the remote environment. For this purpose, our laboratory has developed a VR-based networked telerobotic system. To enhance the developed telerobotic system, in this thesis, we develop a force-reflection system, which consists of joystick and gripper with force-reflection. By manipulating the joystick, the operator can yield the command, which in turn generate the torque to operate the gripper. While the gripper contacts with the object, the tactile sensor on the gripper finger may sense force information. The joystick will then transfer the force back to the operator. For demonstration, we apply this force-reflection system to accomplish the task of fragile object grasping.


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