Title: 微面鏡應用於光學尋軌伺服系統
Micro-mirror for tracking servo in optical storage
Authors: 馮文俊
Wen-Chun Feng
Han-Ping Shieh
Keywords: 尋軌;微面鏡;微機電;伺服控制;動態系統分析儀;系統鑑別;碟片動態測試機;tracking;micro-mirror;MEMS;servo control;DSA;system identification;dynamic tester
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 由於網路與多媒體科技的不斷發展,造成人們對於高儲存容量與速度的需求不斷增加,因此如何提高存取速度與縮小碟機尺寸變成兩個很重要的問題.微機電的元件具有輕薄短小,高運動頻寬等優點,可以達到縮小讀寫頭重量與提高系統存取速度等目的.因此在本論文裡,我利用以微機電(MEMS)技術作出的微致鏡取代傳統讀寫頭裡的音圈馬達來作循軌(tracking)的伺服控制,但因為微致鏡在做循軌運動的時候,會產生光軸的傾斜,造成像差影響訊號的判斷.所以論文的第一部分,便是利用光學軟體討論像差與微致鏡傾斜角度的關係,並且找到系統可容忍的最大傾斜角度,藉此定義循軌運動的範圍.
在論文的第二部分,利用兩種不同的動態特性量測實驗(CCD tester 和 Dynamical system analyzer)觀察微致鏡的暫態特性與動態特性,經由CCD tester的量測,可以驗證系統裡微致鏡的傾斜角度與光點移動關係,並且可求得微致鏡的暫態響應;而利用DSA可以找到微致鏡的頻率響應,並藉著分析微致鏡的頻率響應,可以鑑別出微致鏡的物理模型,以方便設計整個循軌伺服系統的控制器.論文的第三部分便是使用推挽法(Push-Pull)搭配PID控制器來設計循軌系統的伺服控制,在與傳統音圈馬達作循軌結果的比較後,可以發現循軌誤差訊號從80nm縮小至17nm,大幅的提高了系統的循軌精度,也因此提高了系統可容忍的最高轉速.
Optical data storage industries are continually growing with rapid progress of computer, multimedia, and network markets. In this trend, technologies capable of recording more information thus become increasingly demanded. Since optical heads are a key component of the recording system, developing a high-optical-efficiency and small-sized optical head for high data rate and access speed is thus essential to enable the system more competitive in price and performance.
To achieve a high data transfer rate driver, an improved tracking system with high-bandwidth MEMS mirror was proposed. In DVD-RW system at rotation 500 rpm, the MEMS-based tracking servo was demonstrated with suppressing TES to 17 nm, which is smaller than 80 nm in the conventional servo with voice coil motor (VCM). Therefore, the proposed MEMS tracking system can potentially function in the high-speed pick-up for next-generation optical storage systems.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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