標題: 使用光時域劃分多工器之32GHz歸零訊號傳輸研究
Study of 32GHz OTDM RZ Transmission
作者: 葉信宏
Xin-Hong Yeh
Sien Chi
Jeng-Cherng Dung
關鍵字: 光時域劃分多工器;短脈衝;光固子;壓縮;色散管理;OTDM;Short Pulse;Soliton;Compression;Dispersion-Managed
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近年來由於光纖通訊頻寬的需求與日俱增,高頻率傳輸研究成為不可或缺,所以在本篇論文中討論如何利用光時域劃分多工器來達成高速度傳輸系統,在光脈衝的控制上我們來模擬並實驗使用了半導體雷射產生基本頻率的脈衝,並對此脈衝做線性和非線性壓縮,其中線性壓縮是利用一高負色散值得光纖,來補償半導體雷射的載頻位移,近一步的我們使用高能量產生一個自相為調變的現象,此現象會與色散現象交互作用,在自相位調變主導的情況下,脈衝會近一步的壓縮,但也會有一很大的缺點就是伴隨著脈衝的基盤.於是我們近一步的設計一非線性迴圈反射鏡,達成了一無基盤的脈衝串,逕行利用光時域話鋒多工器來累積出一個32Gbit/s的脈衝串 緊接著,我們設計色散控制的傳輸介質,最終達到100km無變形的傳輸結果.
Research of Optical time-division multiplexer (OTDM)become indispensable, since the demands for high bit rate in fiber transmission system. In this paper we demonstrate how to achieve a high-bit rate using OTDM. To generating basic pulse train we do simulation and experiment using DFB laser , and compression method are applied to get shorter pulse. Linear and nonlinear compression are utilized. First, linear compression accomplish by a high dispersion compensation fiber (DCF) to reduce the value of linear carrier frequency shift made by DFB laser called chirp. Further, We use a nonlinear phenomenon named Self-Phase Modulation (SPM) with high energy to compress pulse. This compressing procedure also named Soliton-effect compression. However, the compressed pulse will accompanied with a pedestal. So we well design a pedestal removal by nonlinear loop mirror. And we apply pedestal free pulse to OTDM reaching 32Gbit/s pulse train. Finally, we make it work of 32Gbit/s 100 km RZ dispersion-managed soliton transmission.