標題: 台灣射頻收發機製造商在微波無線通信產品供應鏈競爭力的探討
Supply Chain Competitiveness in Microwave Communications Equipment Industry: From RF Transceiver Manufacturer's Point of View
作者: 紀俞名
James Chi
Anthony F. Han
關鍵字: 射頻收發機;點對點數位微波;本地多點傳輸系統;非對稱性數位用戶專線;研發;管銷費用;兆赫茲;每秒百萬位元傳輸速率;RF Tranceiver;PTP Digital Radio;LMDS;ADSL;R&D;SG&A;GHz;MBps
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 隨著網際網路在全球迅速普及以及多媒體技速的飛速發展,人們對頻寬的需求也越來越大。以數位微波PTP(點對點)與LMDS (本地多點傳輸系統)技術為代表的寬頻無線接入技術,有其初期投資小、組網靈活和建設速度快等特點。數位微波PTP(點對點)可以45~155MBps的傳輸速率作為無線通信後傳(backhaul)設備,並且為光纖的備用通信設施。LMDS是一種可以提供語音、視訊及數據傳輸的寬頻無線傳輸系統,一般工作在般 10 GHz到 42 GHz頻段。作為新興的寬頻無線傳輸技術,LMDS具有寬頻帶、支持雙向通信業務、系統易於擴充的特點。非常適合在城市高密度用戶地區提供寬頻通信服務。 本論文以數位微波PTP(點對點)與LMDS (本地多點傳輸系統)產品為例,研究微波無線通信產品的市場分析,產業特性,比較點對點與本地多點產品與其他最後一哩設備,如XDSL與Cable Modem的優勢與劣勢。並研究系統廠商與射頻收發機廠商的供應鏈相互關係,以台灣射頻收發機廠商的觀點,研究系統廠商的供應鏈,射頻收發機廠商的競爭優劣勢,以及潛在競爭者與技術分析。並探討台灣微波公司應如何因應,以爭取更多的業務,持續成長,成為微波射頻收發機的全球代工廠。
Internet applications are continuously expanding their global coverage, and multi-media technologies are improving rapidly. Accordingly, demand for bandwidth is becoming increasingly importance. PTP(Point to Point Radio)and LMDS (Local Multiple Distribution System) communication system represents a broadband access technology with low initial investment cost, thus facilitating networking planning and installation. Point-to-Point (PTP) radio can transmit from 45 to 155 Mbps, making it suitable for wireless backhauling and thus an appropriate substitute for optical fiber. LMDS can transmit telephony, video conferencing and data information. LMDS is a Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) transmission system in the 10 GHz to 42 GHz range. This new broadband technology is characterized by wide bandwidth (1 GHz), two-way communication and easy expansion. LMDS thus is an ideal communication system for high population density and metropolitan areas. This study examines microwave communication supply chain using the example of PTP and LMDS radio products. Starting with a survey of the microwave telecom market and an analysis of product characteristics, this study compares the pros and cons of PTP and LMDS products with those of XDSL and Cable Modem in last-mile applications. The study compares the supplier chain relationship between system providers and RF Transceiver manufacturers. Additionally, the competitiveness of RF Transceiver suppliers is compared in terms of manufacturing cost, R&D competence, SG&A cost and manufacturing location. This study analyzes the potential competitors and trends in product development. Finally, the author presents some suggestions for Taiwanese RF transceiver manufacturers regarding how to react and increase market share based on technology and geographic location.