Title: | 晶圓代工廠之水、電、氣營運費用比較模式 The IC Foundry Fab Utility Expenditure Comparison Model |
Authors: | 沈顯群 Hsien-Chun Shen 李榮貴 Dr. Rong-Kwei Li 高階主管管理碩士學程 |
Keywords: | 晶圓代工廠;水、電、氣運轉費用;IC foundry fab;utility expenditure |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 晶圓代工將成為未來半導體製造的主流,而十二吋晶圓廠則為日後新建廠房之趨勢。如何預估十二吋晶圓廠水、電、氣(utilities)的單位使用量,以供晶圓廠之經營者推估其廠房的營運費用,實為業界之經營者急欲了解,並作為其日後自行建廠或委外代工之主要參考依據。本文將整理目前實際量產的八吋晶圓代工廠之水、電、氣單位使用量經驗,並預估十二吋晶圓代工廠全載時水、電、氣之單位使用量,除供八吋晶圓廠之營運參考外,亦可作為未來興建十二吋晶圓廠之參考,或作兩者比較之用。除以上八吋及十二吋晶圓代工廠水、電、氣的單位使用量之比較外,為探知晶圓廠在不同國家地區的營運費用,本文亦作台灣、新加坡及中國大陸上海地區之水、電、氣運轉費用的比較,以提供業界先進建立其各地區晶圓代工廠廠房運轉費用之概略參考。 The IC foundry industry will be the main wafer production source for IC companies in the future, with 12-inch fabs being the trend for forthcoming advanced IC manufacturing facilities. Since the set-up and operating cost for a 12-inch IC fab is tremendously expensive, a more profound understanding of the utility costs involved in operating a 12-inch IC fab is understandably helpful to the top management of an IC manufacturing company, allowing them to make more informed decisions on whether they construct new fabs or out-source their products to foundry fabs. The purpose of this study aims to summarize the unit utility consumption for an 8-inch IC foundry fab with full-scale operating costs for water, electricity and bulk gas utilization, based on the latest practical production fabs, and forecasts the utility consumption per unit for a fully functional 12-inch foundry fab. In addition, the study demonstrates the IC foundry fab utility running cost comparison among different sites, including Hsinchu, Singapore and Shanghai. With this comparison model, an IC manufacturing company will be able to efficiently forecast the utility running costs in an 8 or 12-inch IC foundry fab. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71172 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |