標題: 晶圓代工廠之線上客制化訂單處理模式構建--實作遠端模擬決策系統
The Configuration of On-Line Customized Order Processing for IC Foundry—Remote Simulated Decision System Implementation
作者: 張文齊
Wen-Chi Chang
Der-Baau Perng
關鍵字: 顧客關係管理;策略聯盟;虛擬晶圓廠;客制化服務;線上客制化訂單處理架構;遠端模擬決策系統;CRM;Strategic alliance;Virtual fab;Customized service;Customized order processing;Remote decision system
公開日期: 2000
摘要: 晶圓代工廠(IC foundry)在面對強大競爭力的壓力下,紛紛運用各種策略,與顧客建立良好的關係。而顧客關係管理(Customer Relationship Management; CRM)便是考量顧客的需求,利用各種知識及技術,來提升顧客的滿意度。因而本論文便針對晶圓代工廠之客戶關係結構,探討出一套利用網際網路(internet)即可與顧客產生密切互動的模式,此互動模式具有即時、正確、且自動化處理等特點。 晶圓代工產業與客戶間的互動,包含了許多作業行為,本論文只著重在訂單處理部分,考量策略聯盟下,虛擬晶圓廠(Virtual Fab)架構以及客制化服務(Customized Service)的改變,並依據虛擬晶圓廠的基礎架構,發展出一套可整合上下游廠家的資訊交換模式,名為線上客制化訂單處理架構。透過此架構,顧客可經由策略聯盟中任一成員來下訂單,即可達成一次購足服務(One-stop service)之便利。 最後根據所發展出的架構,利用各種資訊技術,實作一遠端模擬決策系統。遠端模擬決策系統是一套即時、正確、易用的機制,期能用來預測訂單交期(due date),並提供顧客確認是否下單的決策,顧客可利用瀏覽器來使用此系統,並可利用多項管道來接收所得的模擬結果。而本系統所使用之軟體有TOMCAT Server、eM-Plant4.6、及SQL Server 2000;程式語法有Java、SQL、Simtalk、JSP、及HTML;除此之外,所使用之實作技術有JavaBeans、Store Procedure、及Socket。
Confronting strong competitiveness, IC Foundries adopt various kinds of strategies to establish good relationship with their customers. Under the consideration of customer demands, the customer relationship management (CRM) can be applied in accompanied with the domain knowledge and technology to upgrade the level of customer satisfaction. This research is to study and build a close interaction framework between an IC foundry and its customers by Internet so that the advantages of quick response can be shared. Instead of dealing with multiple business processes simultaneously, this research first focuses only on the order processing. Following the approach of strategic alliance of an IC foundry, the change of the framework of virtual fab and customized service is highlighted in this thesis. In addition, this research develops an information-exchange model for on-line customized order processing. Using this model, customers can make orders through any member of the strategic alliance of an IC foundry to share the convenience of one-stop service. According to the proposed framework, a remote simulated decision system is developed in this thesis. The remote simulated decision system is a real-time, accurate, easy-operating mechanism. It can be used, through Internet, to forecast the due date of orders and to provide the information needed for the customers of an IC foundry to make order decision. Customers can browse and receive simulated outputs by multi-channels. Simulated results show that the proposed configuration of on-line customized order processing is effective and feasible.