標題: 晶圓代工之客戶關係管理探討與XML網路批量追蹤系統實作
The Study of Customer Relationship Management for IC Foundry and XML-based Lot Tracking System Implementation
作者: 王佩琳
Pei-Lin Wang
Der-Baau Perng
關鍵字: 客戶關係管理;虛擬晶圓廠;XML;Customer Relationship Management;Virtual Fab.;XML
公開日期: 1999
摘要: 晶圓代工產業正面臨各方積極投入的激烈競爭環境,本文即在研究一晶圓代工廠如何在這種環境下提供客戶更好的生產資訊服務,以圖生存與拓展。本研究從探討晶圓代工產業的客戶關係管理入手,認為晶圓代工產業的客戶關係管理與客戶聯結系統必須具有量身訂製性,且除了核心產品-晶圓的製造-外,更應拓展延伸性服務,連結下游廠商,整合供應鏈,此外,作為一個晶圓製造程序管理者應認知到本身的角色,增加與客戶的互動機會,適時提供輔助設計服務與生產資訊,且利用每個與客戶互動接觸的機會,掌握客戶知識,評估客戶,以制定更適當的合作策略。 虛擬晶圓廠的理念和上述的客戶聯結系統相當符合,惟缺少明確宣示的客戶資訊收集、整理、與利用的動作,推展到量身訂製性這方面也未多注重,但仍是發展晶圓代工廠客戶聯結系統最適當之基礎。本研究乃由虛擬晶圓廠架構輔以客戶關係管理的理念,發展出一適合晶圓代工廠客戶聯結系統的基礎架構。 本研究另就架構中「資訊提供」互動接觸程序的部分,以ASP配合下層之PROMIS製造執行系統與Oracle資料庫實作一網路批量追蹤系統,該系統可以提供客戶最新的晶圓即時批量資訊,讓客戶得以隨時掌握委託生產產品之生產狀況與進度,此外,為了達到「量身訂製」的目的,吾人亦利用XML與XSL將實作系統設計成可以根據客戶設定來顯示表格欄位,客戶可自行修改顯示欄位,每一次登入查詢,系統都會依照客戶的設定來顯示,可以滿足不同客戶的不同資訊需求。
A lot of companies of different countries are willing to enter the keen competition of IC foundry industry. This Paper studies how an IC foundry is to provide customers better production information service to survive and broaden business scope. Our study begins from probing into the customer relationship management(CRM)of IC foundries. We consider that the customer connection system of a foundry should be customizable. Except the kernel product-wafer founding, IC foundries should extend their services by combining their downstream factories and integrating the supply chain. Besides, the IC foundry should increase its interaction with customers. More production services should be provided at the right moment and every opportunity should be grasped to collect more information from customers. By mastering customer knowledge, the IC foundries are able to assess customers and make appropriate collaboration strategies. The virtual fab. concept is highly consistent with the customer connection system except that it lacks the action of collecting and making use of customer information explicitly and that it does not emphasize on customizability. Although it is deficient, it is the most proper foundation to develop the connection system between IC foundry and its customers. Stepping on the groundwork of virtual fab. and CRM concept, we develop an infrastructure of customer connection system that is suitable for IC foundry industry. In this study, we also implement a web-based lot tracking system for the “information service interaction procedure” in our infrastructure. Using ASP to connect PROMIS MES and Oracle database, customers could use the system to get real-time information about their lots, including the in-progress schedule and lot status etc. In order to meet customizability, we use XML and XSL to make the system display the data fields according to the customer’s specification. Customers may customize the fields they want. Each time they login the system, they will just get the designated fields. Therefore, the system is able to satisfy different information needs of all customers. 1.1 研究動機與背景 1 1.2 研究目標 3 1.3 研究步驟與方法 3 1.4 論文架構 4 第 2 章 文獻探討 6 2.1 客戶關係管理 6 2.1.1 客戶關係管理之定義 7 2.1.2 客戶關係管理之基本概念 9 2.1.3 客戶關係管理在企業內的演進 13 2.1.4 客戶關係管理的需求面策略 16 2.1.5 客戶關係管理的資訊架構 22 2.2 虛擬晶圓廠 25 2.2.1 虛擬晶圓廠之定義 25 2.2.2 虛擬晶圓廠之架構 26 2.2.3 台積電之OFIS系統 27 2.2.4 以生產資料倉儲為主元件之虛擬晶圓廠架構 29 第 3 章 晶圓代工產業之客戶關係管理 33 3.1 晶圓代工廠之客戶關係管理策略 33 3.1.1 晶圓代工廠的客戶 33 3.1.2 晶圓代工之客戶關係管理定位 34 3.2 晶圓代工與IC設計之關係 37 3.2.1 IC產品製作流程 38 3.2.2 晶圓代工廠與客戶之相關對等部門 40 3.3 互動接觸程序之交流資訊與管道 42 3.4 晶圓代工廠之客戶關係管理架構 44 3.4.1 客戶關係管理資訊流 44 3.4.2 晶圓代工廠之客戶關係管理架構 46 第 4 章 網路批量追蹤系統實作與技術說明 51 4.1 實作之網路批量追蹤系統架構 52 4.2 XML介紹與相關文件製作 53 4.2.1 文件型式定義(Document Type Definition, DTD) 55 4.2.2 XML文件 57 4.2.3 排版樣本 59 4.3 應用ASP於資料庫存取與XML、XSL文件 63 4.3.1 資料庫之存取 64 4.3.2 ASP與XML、XSL文件 67 4.4 網路批量追蹤系統之運作流程 71 4.5 實作系統成效探討 76 第 5 章 結論與建議 79 5.1 結論 79 5.2 未來研究方向與建議 80 參考文獻 82