標題: 台灣CD-R光碟片產業之發展歷程
The Evolution of Taiwan’s CD-R Industry:
作者: 彭淑敏
Stella Peng
Hsiao-Cheng Yu
關鍵字: 成功因素;CD-R光碟片;錸德;Success Factor;CD-R disc;Ritek
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 摘要 台灣光碟片廠商從1988年開始生產CD-DA音樂光碟片,到1998年全球CD-R光碟片市場需求倍增,不僅原有廠商急速擴增生產線,也吸引許多新廠商投入此一領域,因此CD-R光碟片更成為台灣光儲存產業中最耀眼的產品,1999年即創造了新台幣300億元以上的產值,但是台灣CD-R廠商在2002年卻出現首度的營運虧損。 本論文期望能以台灣CD-R產業及錸德個案的發展經驗中探討出台灣CD-R產業與企業起落的原因,作為CD-R廠商或其他相關產業廠商未來發展之參考。本論文首先由整理及探討台灣光碟片產業的發展概況、產品發沿革與產業結構資料開始,接著將研究範圍縮小到CD-R產業目前之原材料發展與廠商發展動向,分析出台灣CD-R光碟片產業發展能成功的因素,接著以個案研究的方式,蒐集與探討全球第一大CD-R製造商錸德公司之公司簡介、企業發展與環境之關係、研發支出的成果、權利金議題與募資及多角化財務操作相關資料,歸納出CD-R光碟片企業能成功發展的原因,以及發展所面臨的困境。 經此研究,本論文認為台灣CD-R光碟片產業發展能成功的關鍵是能把握住生產時機投入生產,並積極大規模量產,以降低成本;研發改進製程,減少生產時間,提昇良率;另外,因為台灣亦為光碟機主要的生產國家,得以搭配硬體同時發展。但是因為起步時間較國外晚,上游原材料及設備仰賴進口,無主控權,所以銷售時需支付高額權利金,同時因為進入障礙不高,廠商間競爭激烈,廠商以降價為競爭手段,造成獲利急速減少。所以,台灣廠商若能團結合作,並加強研發新技術與專利分析的工作,才能創造雙贏的結局。 關鍵字:成功因素、CD-R光碟片、錸德
Abstract Taiwan’s compact disc industry started in 1988. In 1998, with the anticipation of large global market demand of CD-R discs, Taiwanese manufacturers such as the Ritek and the CMC invested heavily to expand their capacity. On the other hand, their Japanese fellows had reservations about the demand, so they were conservative with respect to capital investments. Taiwanese manufacturers thus became the world’s leading suppliers of CD-R disc with revenue of more than NTD 30 billion in 1999. Meanwhile, the Ritek became the largest supplier in the global optical media industry. The manufacturing capacity expansion and revenue growth of Taiwan’s optical disc industry have been quite impressive in the past 15 years. However, Taiwanese manufacturers faced their first loss in 2002. This paper aims to analyze how Taiwanese CD-R manufacturers can be so successful before 2001 and why they began to make a loss. The study is base on the case of Ritek corporation, the biggest global manufacturer. This paper start with confer and sort related documents about the evolution of Taiwan’s CD-R industry. Then, it narrows study scope to Taiwanese CD-R disc industry. Finally, this paper employs the “case study“ method that is used often in qualitative analysis and the in-depth interview. This paper take the Ritek as the target company and drew four parts of Ritek’s development as follows:(1)A brief introduction of Ritek;(2)Expenses and achievements of R&D;(3)Issue of royalty;(4)Financial affairs such as to raise capital and invest in other sunrise industry. The research result can be summarized by the key factors of industry success and recommended future strategies. First among the 3 key success factors of Taiwanese CD-R industry is that Taiwanese financial industry was receptive to invest in optical media industry, which enable the Taiwanese manufacturers to reach the lowest production cost due to economy-of-scale effect from its larger production capacity. Second, Taiwanese manufacturers invested heavily in R&D of manufacturing process improvement, which reduced production cycle time and reached high yield rate. Lastly, the synergy between the CD-R driver industry and the disc industry also helps since Taiwan is also among the primary CD-ROM driver manufacturing countries. The future strategies can be obtained by the following analysis. Since Taiwanese manufacturers invested in R&D later than its foreign peers, Taiwanese manufacturers lost master controlling power of raw materials and equipments. As a result, Taiwanese manufacturers need to pay more for patent rights. Additionally, Taiwanese manufacturers use price competition as the main strategy, which reduce profit margin rapidly. Research results suggest that Taiwanese manufacturers must hand together, invest in new technology, and think thoroughly of patent analysis. Keyword:Success Factor, CD-R disc, Ritek
Appears in Collections:Thesis