標題: 砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工業設廠決策評估之研究
The Study of GaAs IC Foundry FAB Location Evaluation by Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM)
作者: 林啟發
Chi-Yang Hung
關鍵字: 砷化鎵;層級分析法;趨近最佳方案排序法;類比法;專家意見法;晶圓代工;積體電路;設廠區位評估;GaAs;AHP;TOPSIS;Analog;Delphi;IC joundry;IC;FAB location evaluation
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究由砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工全球化分工與合作角度出發,系統性的研究全球化分工下砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工業之設廠評估與決策。 本論文首先以產業趨勢開始,以類比法為研究基礎,進行產業整體環境之研究,探討產業歷史趨勢、產業運用與發展、設廠區位選擇關鍵成功因素等三方面,首先從產業歷史面比較,將砷化鎵與矽之半導體積體電路過去發展相比較,結果指出,東風西進,產業首先從基礎發祥地太平洋東岸的美國往西移至日本,漸次移到台灣、韓國,最終將移至中國大陸;接著從科技面之產業運用與未來發展,比較砷化鎵與矽半導體兩者的異同與未來發展趨勢以佐證類比法於歷史趨勢之結果,最後再以上述類比法結果設計問卷並進行專家意見法訪談,歸納出影響砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工設廠區位選擇之關鍵成功因素。 承接類比法與專家意見法研究所得之影響砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工設廠區位選擇之關鍵成功因素,本論文接著以AHP法為數量化研究之理論基礎,進行這些影響砷化鎵積體電路晶圓代工設廠區位選擇之關鍵成功因素間之分群與重要性排序,研究結果顯示,IC生產執行效率面被受評者評選為最重要標的構面,且員工生產效力被評選為12個準則中最重要評量準則。 接著本研究利用TOPSIS多目標決策評估法,探討泛太平洋岸砷化鎵IC代工設廠最佳之區位,結果顯示台灣為近年來最佳之設廠區位,這也印證過去手機狂潮下台灣成為砷化鎵IC代工設廠最密集地區的事實,最後本研究也建議未來數年產業西移後,中國大陸在這些關鍵成功因素與專家意見法問卷評選下應努力的方向。
Location selection is the key success factor for the Gallium Arsenic (GaAs) IC foundry. Questionnaire interview with experts generates 4 aspects and 12 criteria for the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to evaluate the best GaAs IC foundry location. The aspects include overall strategy, manufacturing resources, manufacturing efficiency and integrated customer service. According to the questionnaire investigation among 12 experts of the industry, the top two weight normalized criteria which influence the GaAs IC FAB location selection are manufacturing efficiency and IC FAB supporting efficiency. In this paper, five GaAs IC foundry alternative locations along the Pan-Pacific Rim are evaluated, which including America (A), China(C), Japan (J), Korea (K) and Taiwan (T). Those alternatives are ranked by multicriteria method of Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). The result developed by using AHP and TOPSIS indicates that the optimal alternative is Taiwan and the second alternative is Korea due to the outstanding performance in high weight normalized criteria of manufacturing efficiency and IC FAB supporting efficiency. China is ranked as the last in current stage due to the immaturity of overall IC manufacturing environments. However China was believed by those experts to be the next most suitable alternative for GaAs IC foundry location due to high potential customer growth rate, highly demand from downstream integrated system manufacturer and lower overall operation cost.
Appears in Collections:Thesis