標題: 半導體廠務電力卸載監控模擬系統的規劃與設計
Simulation Model of Load Shedding in ULSI-FMCS
作者: 王子昌
Pi-Ying Cheng
關鍵字: 模擬;半導體;廠務中央監控系統;加卸載;監控系統;simulation;ULSI;FMCS;load-shedding;SCADA
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本論文研究之半導體廠務電力卸載監控模擬系統的規劃與設計,主要目的在於建構一套完整的設計方法與模擬系統,兼具自動控制與政策性能源調配的模擬測試功能,提供系統工程師,能在緊迫的建廠時程及日後的系統改善裡,快速地預估備載容量之機組台數與單台發電容量之關係及編寫卸載控制程式。同時提供決策者能透過經驗證過的虛擬的模型之下,調整供電系統與配電負載之間的關係,以達到生產成本與產品供應平衡之最佳化需求。。 研究內容將逐步提出(1)分段測試程式的編寫與規劃,(2)電力卸載於配電系統設計時需注意到之相關硬體配套措施,(3)基本功能測試事項與操作程序,(4)負載曲線模擬程式之製作,(5)供電系統模型程式之建立,(6)監控網路架設,(7)SCADA圖形介面設計,(8)自動卸載控制程式之編寫與應用。最後,本研究過程中也研製一組實驗型自動卸載展示系統,來說明與驗證本研究所提之自動卸載策略與模擬系統的成效。
A simulation system of load shedding application in ULSI- FMCS provides a safe and economic power model to avoid a chain reaction of destroy caused by abnormal power status. The system can provide a good solution as a assistant for supervisors to determine the optimal energy policy one step ahead to reduce the event impact. The aim of the study is to construct a simulation system that could provide more convenient way for system engineer to analyze load shedding control and for process engineer easy to adjust the related parameter to get an optimal power demand. This proposed research includes the following important subjects such as control hardware requirements, loading curve simulation, power supply model construction, network construction, tactic achieve, data tracing, case study and efficiency evaluation etc.. The data and power system model have been integrated to verify rationality of procedure. And then, we will simulate some events with a typical SCADA system to evaluate the functionality of the system. The simulation model and design concept proposed in the study has been applied in the production remote monitoring system of one of the famous TFT corporation in Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Park. The simulation system also enable to on line adjust and simulate the load shedding in controllers. After finishing all of above, we could online edit control logical program of load shedding in controller in real system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis