Full metadata record
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.contributor.author | 黃湧哲 | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | Yuan-Che Huang | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | 劉敦仁 | en_US |
dc.contributor.author | Dr.Duen-Ren Liu | en_US |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-12-12T02:32:07Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2014-12-12T02:32:07Z | - |
dc.date.issued | 2002 | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | | en_US |
dc.identifier.uri | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71252 | - |
dc.description.abstract | 本研究結合自動來話顯示(ANI)/自動來話地址顯示(ALI)與受理派遣資訊系統(EDSS),使得受理報案電話一進線,執勤員受理後,系統即可自動顯示報案電話及住址,並可即時顯示報案地點的詳細電子地圖,迅速了解案發地點的詳細地形地物,及消防相關屬性資訊,落實報案受理與勤務派遣同步作業,數據資訊可透過網路即時傳送至相關轄區分隊派遣,以提昇時效及反應能力;而現場派遣人員可透過平板電腦、無線傳輸技術與衛星定位系統技術將現場資訊回報,以提供指揮中心作後續調度派遣之分析研判。 研究應用之系統能適應業務特性及未來需求規劃,如此可在最有限的資源下,藉助資訊系統化與電腦化的功效,發揮即時性救災救護系統地理資訊化的最大貢獻。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | This paper is dedicated in research of the integration of ANI/ALI/GIS in Emergency Dispatching Support System, how it works and what are the relations and responses of these components. When 119 emergency call rings, the officer on duty will immediately see the calling number and the system will capture the address, search database and center the electric map on the screen with related information as address, landmarks, building types, building height, hazardous materials around, fire stations, population information and so on. The system will send the dispatch command with great details to squadrons via ADSL or wireless network within a limited response time. The on-site commander can use Tablet PC with GPS module and report the newest and most accurate location information back to command center by wireless or satellite communication. The kind of information collection will support the command officer to make decision for subsequent dispatch commands or asking help from his superiors. This research combined the real application in Taipei County and adapted the fire emergency process to meet the future needs. Through the extensive use of GIS, we can see a more concise framework of homeland security has been formed by Taiwan government. | en_US |
dc.language.iso | zh_TW | en_US |
dc.subject | 地理資訊系統 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 緊急受理派遣支援系統 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 全球定位系統 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | GIS | en_US |
dc.subject | Emergency Dispatching Support System | en_US |
dc.subject | GPS | en_US |
dc.title | 縣市層級救災救護指揮中心-119智慧型受理派遣支援系統之研究與應用 | zh_TW |
dc.title | On 119 Intelligent Emergency Dispatching Support System for City-Government Emergency Command Center | en_US |
dc.type | Thesis | en_US |
dc.contributor.department | 管理學院資訊管理學程 | zh_TW |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |