標題: 台灣銀行業赴中國大陸發展之研究
The Study of Taiwanese Banking Going Forward to Mainland China
作者: 戴芳慶
Fang-Ching Tai
Hwa-Rong Shen
關鍵字: 台灣銀行業;中國大陸銀行;外資銀行;OBU;WTO;Taiwanese Banking;Chinese Banks;Foreign Invested Banks;OBU;WTO
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 中國大陸自1978年中共第11屆三中全會決定走經濟改革以來,因廉價的勞工及原物料,吸引著台商企業前往大陸投資設廠。在大陸台商向中國大陸銀行融資因中國大陸金融法令與金融體系的不健全等因素而困難重重。而在台灣的金融業因開放銀行家數過多,彼此競爭激烈,廠商外移到大陸,徵信不易等因素,而興起前往中國大陸設點之必要性。 本研究之主要目的為希望對台灣銀行業進入大陸發展之相關議題,提供有建設性的觀點及建議,讓台灣的金融產業界多加了解銀行業前進大陸的競爭態勢,進而提昇台商的競爭力。故根據本研究之目的及方向,本案採取次級資料蒐集、個案研究及深層訪談進行研究。 本研究的結論有以下幾點: 1. 台灣銀行業初期應以大陸台商為業務的推廣對象 2. 台灣銀行業應推廣協力廠的應收帳款業務 3. 台灣銀行業應與績優且具互補性佳的中國大陸銀行進行策略聯盟 4. 台灣銀行業應加強兩岸金融業務 5. 台灣銀行業應加強對大陸企業的授信 6. 台灣銀行業應與國外銀行業進行Correspondent Banking業務 7. 台灣銀行業應配合客戶發展當地業務 8. 台灣銀行業應加強對大陸金融之研究 9. 台灣銀行業應入股大陸商業銀行
Mainland China has opened its door for economic reform since the 1978 11th Plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. Ever since then vast majority of the Taiwanese firms have been attracted to invest and build plants in China due to the comparatively cheap labor wage and raw materials cost which typify China’s economic characteristics. However, these Taiwanese firms also face the difficulties in access to banks’ financing as a result of the lack of a well-structured financial system and regulations in that area. Crosses the Strait in Taiwan, fierce competition arouses in the banking sector as plenty bank licenses are issued by the government. Together with the fact that firms are moving out to China, and the difficulties for these banks to obtain first-hand credit records, Taiwanese banks are becoming aware of the necessity of setting up local banking offices in China. This study is aimed to examine the above issues and therefore found out the results as follows: 1. Taiwanese Banking shall promote its sales mainly toward Taiwanese Firms in China. 2. Taiwanese Banking shall promote satellite office’s Account Receivable sales. 3. Taiwanese Banking shall align with well sound and reciprocated Chinese Banks. 4. Taiwanese Banking shall reinforce financial relationship between Taiwan and China. 5. Taiwanese Banking shall reinforce the credit release for Chinese Firms. 6. Taiwanese Banking shall do the correspondent banking sales with foreign banks. 7. Taiwanese Banking shall develop its sales along with its customers in China. 8. Taiwanese Banking shall increase the research and study for Chinese Finance. 9. Taiwanese Banking shall buy some stocks from foursquare Chinese banks.
Appears in Collections:Thesis