DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChao-Kuang Yuen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要: 企業的目的,在追求永續經營;為達永續經營,就必須追求不斷成長。對於組織而言,人力資源管理的目的,在集合一群具有共同目標的人,並且利用最合適的人力配置,讓每位組織成員能發揮最大的功用,往共同的目標前進。因此達成共同的目標是一種目的,集結一群具有共同目的的人是一種過程,而人力資源管理是連結過程與目的一種手段。 人力資源管理做的越好,則集結的過程越短,達成目標也最快,企業間的優勝劣敗也由此產生。 本研究所採去的研究方式,除以學者理論為基礎,並嘗試以實務作業面角度為主軸,探討台灣大型製造業在實施人力資源管理的概況,以及企業文化、組織變革在人力資源管理的過程中扮演何種角色,並試圖拉近產界與學界兩者的觀點。以及實際並探討人力資源管理、企業文化以及組織變革之間的關係。經過個案分析比較,本研究結論如下: 命題一:公司人力資源管理與企業文化以及組織變革之間有密切關係,公司應將人力資源管理與其他兩者彼此配適。 命題二:人力資源管理不論是早期或是晚期的觀念,無好壞之分,端看管理階層如何運用,但發展策略性人力資源管理概念的公司,整體組織較有彈性及應變能力。 命題三:理論與實務方面的差異點,在於公司不可能僅採行單一理論實施人力資源管理政策,多數的公司採行多種論點合併施行;但理論的發展則有宗師一派等狹隘的觀點~學者們僅發展相同理念的觀點。 命題四:人力資源管理在組織變革的活動上主要功能為促進資訊流通與建立創新的企業文化。 命題五:採行策略性人力資源管理政策的企業,其管理措施以購買人才(新技術或預期可帶來之業績)為主,訓練計畫有限、注重產出結果,以績效為導向。 命題六:採行人力資源管理晚期觀點的企業,其管理措施以創造人才為主,訓練計畫廣泛、注重產出過程,以努力工作為導向。 關鍵字:人力資源管理、組織變革、企業文化zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract: The perspective of a business is to operate it for a long term. In order to achieve this concept, all the team members should constantly enhance their abilities needed for their work. The focus of human resources management for business is to gather a group of people who have given the same goal and further maximize their effectiveness by implementing the most suitable manpower plan on them so that they can accomplish their task promptly. Thus, achieving the goal is an objective. Gathering the people who have the same goal is a process, and human resources management is a way to link them together. A good human resources management can shorten the linking process, and achieve the goal with less time consuming. Of course, the value as well as the competitiveness of the business will be distinguished on the market. The purpose of this study is to explore the connection between business culture, human resources management and organization change between Taiwan high-tech company and traditional corporation. Two research instruments are used for this study. One is in-depth interview. In-depth interview is the main instrument used to discover the relationships among these research variables in the two different types of companies. The other is documentation of company’s, such as company reports, documents, and files. The results are listed as below: (1)The human resources management can highly affect business culture and organization change. The management of company should integrate the three elements systematically. (2)For personnel management, the company with the entralization can quickly respond to a variety of environments, but simultaneously will get a high turnover rate. Conversely, the company with autonomy management has a lower turnover rate. (3)The difference between theory and practice is that practice will not use the single Human Resources Management theory to manage a company. Most of companies use multifarious theories to manage their business. However, the scholars belong to different Human Resources Management sects. They only development their own theories. (4)The main function of Human Resources Management in rganization Change is to accelerate the circulation of information, and to create a new Business Culture. (5)The business implementing Strategy Human Resources Management theory usually focuses on business accomplishment, and emphasizes on results and performance. (6)The business implementing the terminal Human Resources Management theory usually focuses on employee training programs, and emphasizes on broadening training process and labors’ diligence. Keyword : Business Culture, (Strategy) Human Resources Management ,Organization Change, Personnel Management.en_US
dc.subjectHuman Resources Managementen_US
dc.subjectOrganization Changeen_US
dc.subjectBusiness Cultureen_US
dc.subjectPersonnel Managementen_US
dc.titleHuman Resources Management、Organization Change and Culture Relationship Research-Case Study for Large Manufacturing Corporationsen_US