Title: 超高層建築塔式起重機施工安全防災管理之研究-以台北101為例
The Study of Safety Management in Tower Crane Operation for High-rise Construction Building - A Case Study of Taipei 101 Project
Authors: 楊俊隆
Chun-Lung Yang
Wen-Chen Jau
Hsu-Lung Wang
Keywords: 超高層建築施工安全;塔式起重機;防災管理;台北101;skyscrapers;tower cranes;construction safety management;taipei 101
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 由於近年來經濟蓬勃發展,加上台灣地區地狹人稠,都會區人口快速地膨脹,土地需求壓力日增,建築物朝向高層建築發展已為必然之趨勢,高層建築施工經常使用塔式起重機進行吊運,以提升作業效率,而超高層建築塔式起重機吊運之揚程高、構件重、體積龐大、吊運次數頻繁,機械操作具特殊性,且超高層建築整體施工時上下樓層作業重疊,共同作業之工種複雜,加以台灣地處環太平洋地區,常遭受颱風、地震等天然災害,諸如民國九十一年台北市施工中超高層建築「台北101」因331地震導致兩部塔式起重機倒塌,造成五死多傷職業災害等,類似施工過程潛藏墜落、飛落、感電、倒塌及火災等事故之虞,易造成工區環境極大風險危害,因此,探討超高層建築塔式起重機施工安全管理,已成為當今迫切重要課題。 本研究係配合文獻回顧,對目前超高層建築塔式起重機施工與天然危害現況問題加以探討,以「台北101」施工案例,進行塔式起重機安裝、爬昇、吊裝及拆除作業安全探討,蒐集並分析超高層建築塔式起重機施工作業特性及其自主施工安全管理模式,同時與其他工地同步針對起重工、塔吊操作員、勞安人員與現場管理工程師等四類專業人員,進行施工安全管理面問卷調查之比較,回收問卷303份統計分析。 綜合研究結果,從問卷調查顯示,對於工地推行施工安全管理及安全作業方法等兩方面30項議題,表示正面贊同者比例均在74%~95.38%之間,而就提升超高層建築自主安全管理上,建議政府單位對於超高層建築之塔式起重機強度計算基準、營造安全衛生設置標準、業界自主管理獎勵辦法與保險優惠制度等法規面研訂配套措施。另建議營造業者主動建立「全員皆安衛」企業文化、訂定明確政策制度、積極推動施工自主安全衛生管理計畫之執行等,將是防止職業災害發生首要工作。
The construction of skyscraper usually uses tower cranes for lifting to increase the erection efficiency. With high lift and the frequent transportations, tower cranes can be dangerous. Besides, Taiwan is subject to natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes, which bring additional hazards to the skyscraper construction. For example, the earthquake on March 31, 2002 resulted in the collapse of two tower cranes at the construction site of Taipei 101 skyscraper. This incidence caused five fatalities and many injuries. Therefore, research on the construction safety management for the tower crane in the skyscrapers construction becomes urgent and important. This study coordinates with the literature reviews and selects Taipei 101 as a case study. This thesis probed into the four safety management fields in tower crane operation, including the installing, lifting, rising and dismantling .We also analyzed and researched the statistic results of the 303 construction safety management questionnaires retrieved from four categories of professionals in clouding crane-mans, crane operators, safety controllers and site engineers. Summarizing this research from the result of questionnaires, it is found that 74% to 95.83% of them agreed with the thirty issues in two aspects in the questionnaire regarding to pursuance of the construction safety managements and the methods to work safely. To promote the level of skyscrapers safety self-management, we suggest government to take additional measures in law aspect. Meanwhile, we suggest construction companies to establish their own business cultures so that each employee becomes a safety and health controller, and executes their own safety and health management plans.
Appears in Collections:Thesis