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dc.contributor.authorMing-Yi Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiun-Hsun Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract每年於夏秋之際,正是颱風來襲的季節,每一次颱風均造成重大損失與人命傷亡,以臺北市來說,90年納莉颱風重創臺北市甚深,至今仍是臺北市市民的夢魘,納莉颱風侵襲臺北市二天期間,市災害應變中心受理報案逾2000件以上,各地均嚴重淹水,造成二十七人死亡、十六人重傷之慘劇,外勤消防分隊(臺北市有12個行政區、39個消防分隊)如以其本身設計之救災能量(人力、機具)來執行救災,將會有明顯不足之處,因此,預先調派臺北市其他淹水較不嚴重行政區消防分隊救災能量(人力、機具)進駐配合執行救災,是一項重要課題。為此,每次於颱風來襲前,臺北市消防局即事先於臺北市四個行政區的消防分隊配置較多的救災能量,以在颱風災害時,能夠即時協助處理颱風所帶來的各項狀況。雖然配置原意良好,但卻存在著諸多問題,仍有待多方檢討最佳位置及配置方式,並提出對策,使其緊急應變機制更加完備。 本研究一開始先以建立臺北市基本資料,並進行颱風災害可能在都會區造成的危害因子進行分析。另再從三個方向著手,第一藉由著以往的案例回顧,可以比較出臺北市那幾個行政區受災較嚴重,應配置較大之能量;第二,運用最新淹水潛勢圖,探討出各行政區可能受災範圍與淹水深度,並與前揭項目比較分析,整合出受災可能較嚴重危害區域;第三綜合出前述資料,來建置消防救災能量配置基準的模式,完成後再以前揭實際案例來進行驗證,以進行修正,藉以做為規劃消防救災能量配置位置及最佳方式,另外,從颱風災害的標準作業程序檢討當前救災能量不足時,提出相關因應對策,以便於颱風災害來襲時,發揮緊急應變之最大效用,使其在防救災工作能夠更加完善。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn Taiwan, the typhoon season between the summer and the autumn each year always causes serious casualties and property loss. Taipei city was severely suffered from Nari typhoon last year, and it is still a nightmare for many citizens of Taipei city so far. During the two-day duration of this typhoon, Taipei disaster emergency management center received more than two thousand reporting cases. The floods occurred everywhere, which resulted in twenty-seven deaths and sixteen severely injuries. It was obvious that the rescuing capacity, such as manpower, equipments and tools, of the fire fighting subsection in each administration area was not sufficient to fulfill the rescuing missions for the damages and causalities caused by Nari typhoon. Therefore, it is an important subject to properly assign and shift in advance the rescuing capacity from the other fire fighting subsections, whose local flooding condition is not so serious, to the needed areas. Therefore, the Fire Department of Taipei City upgrades the rescuing capacity levels for four regions, which usually have serious flooding problems according to the previous experience, before the typhoon attacks the city. In such way, it is expected to be able to take care of the emergency condition better and in time. However, it still has many problems needed to be conquered, especially how to get the best position and the optimal distribution of rescuing capacity. It is desired to make the emergency plan to become better and better. This thesis first collects the disaster basic data of Taipei city, and analyzes the endangering factors caused by typhoon disaster. Also, this thesis carries out the corresponding research in three directions. First, identify the areas, where were suffered more serious damages by reviewing the past records, then suggest the proper deployment of rescuing capacity to these areas. Second, make use of the newest flooding potential map to predict the possible disaster areas, their influence domain and the corresponding flooding depths. Then, combine with previous analyzed results to find the possible disaster areas. Finally, integrate all of the information and results obtained from previous two working items to set up a model for the establishment of standard rescuing capacity. Once the model is set up, it will be verified by the previous collected disaster data, and modified accordingly. This model is served as a tool for the planning of the rescuing capacity deployment and the means to get the optimal conditions. Besides, if the rescuing capacity is found insufficient to meet the requirements by using the standard operation procedure of typhoon disaster, then, it should provide the most effective emergency management as the typhoon attacks to downgrade its disaster.en_US
dc.subjectTyphoon Disasteren_US
dc.subjectRescue Capacityen_US
dc.subjectTaipei Cityen_US
dc.titleStudy of Assessment on Rescue Capacity Deploymentfor Typhoon Disaster-An Example of Taipei Cityen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis