Title: 半導體廠員工之砷暴露健康風險管理研究
Health Risk Management Study of Arsenic Exposureof Semiconductor Factory Employees
Authors: 古叢誌
Tsung-Choh Ku
Yi Chang
Keywords: 砷;砷化氫;半導體;離子植入;擴散爐管;尿中砷代謝物種;生物指標;空氣中砷微粒
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 摻雜(Doping)為積體電路半導體製造之重要技術,主要有擴散(Diffusion)及離子植入(Ion Implant )法,這些製程應用含砷物質為摻質(Dopant),而與這些製程相關的作業人員便有砷暴露的可能。
Impurity doping is an important technology in integrated circuit semiconductor industry. Generally used methods are diffusion and ion implant. In these processes, arsenic compounds are used as dopant, thus workers on this process may have the chance to expose to arsenic compounds.
This research investigated workers in three semiconductor plants who may expose to arsenic compounds. Among these operations, the maintenance of ion implanter and diffusion furnace, and the sand blasting machine which cleans ion implanter parts are at higher arsenic exposure risk. By air sampling around these operations, the results show that the arsenic concentrations in air of the surrounding area are far more less than our law requirement (0.5mg/m3). The results from wiping tests of the personal belongings show that there are some residues on air masks, mobile phones, cleanroom suits therefore further cleaning on the personal belongings is needed.
The analysis of the inorganic arsenic metabolite in urine shows no significant difference from the 105 people in comparison group and the 639 people in exposed group via T-test. No trend of accumulation is observed from the analysis of the two sampling groups for the analysis of arsenic in urine within two years. The results show no significant difference from the statistic analysis of 48 people in exposed group and 217 people in comparison group from 15 different types of health examination data. However, there is statistical difference in the comparison group and exposed group on the inorganic arsenic containing compound ratio. The difference can be found from personnel both in ion implant and in diffusion furnace process. The equipment engineers still have the potential of exposing to trace amount of arsenic compounds. Personal protection equipment is necessary when performing planned maintenance work. Good personal hygiene practice is also a key to minimize the arsenic exposure. The employer can know employee’s condition from the yearly health examination data and periodic urine inorganic arsenic metabolite analysis. For employee with abnormal test results, further understanding of his/her work environment, personal protection equipment and personal hygiene habit are needed to help them preventing the arsenic exposure.
Appears in Collections:Thesis