標題: 利用風險評估方法建立半導體機台PM SOP可行性研究
The feasibility study of establishing the PM SOP for semiconductor machines utilizing risk assessment techniques
作者: 李海斌
Hai Pin Lee
Dr. Yi Chang
關鍵字: 風險評估;半導體
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 半導體使用之化學物質普遍具有高揮發性、毒性與易燃性,故廠房充滿了火災、爆炸、中毒、缺氧等潛在危害,一旦因設備故障或保養不慎發生化學品外洩及火災等事故,除可能導致人員傷亡,甚至可能造成鉅額的財產損失,因此如何有效建立一套機台預防保養安全規範,將威脅減到最低,是極需研究的課題。 研究方法是初步先選定ㄧ危害性較大之濕式清洗站進行研究, 先採取工作場所導向模式進行分析,了解機台本身及現場環境安全現況並配合國內外相關法規製作一現場查核表進行危害辨識,接著採用作業步驟導向模式進行分析,了解機台維修保養時各步驟之危害及排定風險高低,最後依評估結果建立一符合安全之維修保養操作規範。 驗證比較建立此規範前後時期,對於降低事故及人員受傷次數有明顯之成效。 依據採用此種風險評估方法推估建立其他半導體機台PM SOP應是可行性的,達到“穩定PM 品質”及“人身安全”之雙贏境界。
Chemicals used for semiconductor manufacturing are mostly highly volatile, poisonous, and inflammable. For this reason, semiconductor manufacturing plants are fraught with potential hazards of fires, explosions, poisoning, and suffocation. Once equipment malfunction or chemical leakage or fire occurs due to careless maintenance, casualties are likely to incur and may cause enormous amounts of losses. As a result, there is an urgent need to establish a set of effective PM SOP for semiconductor machines to minimize the threat brought about by various hazards. A preliminary study is conducted on the chemical cleaning bench which is proved to be more hazardous than others. The hazards and risk levels involved when maintaining and/or repairing wet chemical bench is studied.The PM SOP was established on the wet cleaning bench that conforms with safety standards.The PM SOP standard was performed to evaluate whether the PM SOP can effectively reduce the chancesof accidents.The occurence of the accidents was greatly reduced after the PM SOP procedures was performed on the wet cleaning bench. We believe these risk assessment techniques can also be utilized to establish the PM SOP for other equipments. In this study , it is proved that proper PM SOP can significantly reduce the chances of the occurance of accidents at equipment repairing and maintenance. The enforcement of PM SOP can be beneficial for the entire semiconductor industry and create a win-win situation for both PM quality and human safety.
Appears in Collections:Thesis