DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract在國中自然科學教學的過程中,一般皆使用傳統學習法,也就是主題導向學習法,由教師就自己的專業並依據所採用的課本詳寫教案,把不同主題中的相關概念按其層次,依序的單向傳授給學生,老師與學生的互動少,沒有集體討論的機會,學生是否可正確建立應有的概念,或己否學得解決問題的方法,教學者實際並不能知道。此種單向教學法在目前快速變化的社會中,尤其要求有效培養學生解決問題能力的教育目標上恐不易達成。因此,本研究主要在探討除了「主題導向學習法」外,一向被醫學教育採用的「問題導向學習法」是否在國中學生學習如電動機相關的物理概念時,能具有與傳統學習法有所不同的學習成就。 本研究對象為尚未學習過電動機相關概念的國中二年級學生,選定實驗組與控制組,分別以問題導向學習法與傳統主題導向學習法施教,兩組同學在施教前後皆以網路方式實施改良式的雙層式診斷,研究者可由此得知兩組在施教前後的學習成效是否有差異存在,以及兩種教法的優劣;再施以物理學習態度問卷調查,可檢驗物理學習態度是否影響兩種教學的實施,而實驗組再施以問題導向學習小組討論問卷調查,用於了解實驗組小組討論的情況。 本研究的結果顯示,兩種教學法皆可使學生在學習成效上有所進步,而使用問題導向學習所造成的學習成就差異則顯著地優於主題導向學習,而在本研究中實驗組所採用的探索式實驗,更能引起學生學習動機,提高學習興趣,而良好的物理學習態度則有助於學生使用問題導向學習法學習電動機相關概念。在學習電動機認知及理解相關概念時,使用問題導向學習法較主題導向學習法能使學生有明顯的成就差異。問題導向學習法能有效提升學生在蒐集、發表疑問、釐清觀念、發現問題以及解決問題的能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe traditional method of learning is usually adopted during teaching process of Natural Science in Junior-high school, which is called Subject-based learning also. The teacher will draft syllabus and teaching plan based on adopted text book and professional knowledge, teaches to students with relevant concepts and different subjects by only single direction sequentially. Due to lack of communication between teachers and students, and the chance of group study, the teacher does not know whether students could establish the concept and learn the solution of problem or not actually. The teaching way by single direction would not be easily to achieve the educational goal, especially to educate students have abilities of solving problems effectively. Except the subject-based learning, this study is to find out whether the problem-based learning,which is usually employed in the medicine teaching,could be adopted on learning the basic concept about electromagnetism by Junior-high students and might be found the different performance compared with the traditional learning approach. The research target is the second grade of Junior-high school students who do not learn the relevant concept about electromagnetism. They will divide into two groups, experiment group and control group taught by problem-based learning and subject-based learning separately. Students are diagnosed by improvement two-tier through web-internet before teaching. The researcher could obtain the difference between before and after teaching, and the strength and weakness of 2 teaching methods. The survey would be executed based on physics learning attitude, it would be examined whether affect the execution of two kind of teaching way. The experiment group would discuss the survey by problem-based learning and understand the discussing situation of experiment group. The result of this study indicated that two kinds of teaching methods could improve the learning of students. The performance of problem-based learning is obviously better than that of subject-based learning. The discovery-type-experiment used by the experimental group causes the motivation of learning and improve the interest of students in learning science. The student with positive learning attitude for physics is helpful to learn the relevant concept about electromagnetism through problem-based learning. The obviously difference of performance would be found between problem-based learning with subject-based learning when students recognize and understand the concept of electromagnetism. Problem-based learning could improve the ability of students in collecting, posing question, clarifying the concept, finding and solving problems.en_US
dc.titleA Comparative Study of Establishing the Basic Concepts in Junior–high School Electromagnetism by Subject-Based Learning and Problem-Based Learningen_US