標題: 問題導向學習與傳統教學法在高職自然科學學習成就之比較研究
Comparative studies of PBL and traditional teaching approach on the student achievement of natural science in the vocational high school
作者: 郭裕芳
Yu-Fang , Kuo
Der-San , Chuu
關鍵字: 問題導向學習;雙層式診斷測驗;網路雙層式測驗;網路多層式測驗;月相盈虧;problem-based learning;PBL;two-tiered diagnostic test;networked two-tier test;networked multiple-tier test
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究目的在以「問題導向學習法」培養學生自我學習的精神以及合作學習的特性,對高職生進行自然科學月球單元教學,希望能夠比較出問題導向學習與傳統教學法之教學成效有何不同? 本研究之研究對象為台北市某公立高職三年級兩個班級的學生(共86人參與研究,有效樣本80人)。本研究所採用的研究工具為月球單元成就測驗、對自然科學的學習態度問卷以及PBL分組討論的學生問卷等。研究設計採用準實驗設計研究法之前後延測設計,亦即將學生分為接受「問題導向學習」教學法(實驗組)與傳統教學法(對照組)兩組,分別施予前測,教學活動結束後實施後測及四週後的延宕測驗。至於資料分析方面,則是採用變異數分析法及共變數分析法等。 研究結果發現以接受傳統教學的學生在後測總答對題數及應用層次答對題數上的表現較接受問題導向學習法的學生為佳,且達到顯著差異的水準(p< .05);至於題目的答對率方面則差異不大。另外在延宕測驗方面,與後測結果相反的是以接受「問題導向學習」教學法的學生表現較佳,尤其在應用層次題目的答對題數以及答對率方面,其表現均明顯地較接受傳統教學的學生優秀,且達到顯著差異的水準。
The objective of this research is to nurture the spirit of self-learning and the character of collaborative learning with the method of problem-based learning. Specifically, lectures to commercial high school students on the topic of moon in the course of science of nature are given in order to investigate the difference in effectiveness between the Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and traditional teaching approach. The participants of this research are the students of a public commercial high school located at the Taipei city (there are a total of eighty-six students participating in this research; the number of effective samples is eighty). In this study, the tools utilized for research include the achievement test on topic of moon, the questionnaire of learning altitude for the course of science of nature, and the questionnaire of PBL group discussion. The method of quasi-experimental design is used for the research design. That is, the students are divided into two study groups: the group of PBL (the experimental group) and the group of traditional teaching approach (the reference group). Both groups of students need to take tests right before the teaching activity (the preliminary test), right after the teaching activity (the post-teaching test), and four weeks after the completion of teaching activity (the procrastinating test). Moreover, the methods of analysis variance and analysis of covariance are utilized for data analysis. The research results suggest that, when compared to those in the group of PBL, the students in the group of traditional method have better performance in the number of correct answers in the post-teaching test and the test of application-related questions. In this respect, the difference is quite significant (p < .05). However, the difference in percentage of correct answers for both groups is not too obvious. On the other hand, the result of the procrastinating test is quite different from that of the post-teaching test. When compared to those in the group of traditional method, the students in the group of PBL have better performance in the post-teaching test. Especially, the students in the group of PBL have much better performance in the number of correct answers and percentage of correct answers in the test of application-related questions. The difference in this respect is quite evident.