標題: PDA在理化教學之初探
PDA teaches in the physics and chemistry to initially searches
作者: 陳瑞佐
Jui-Tso Chen
.Hsin-Tien Chiu
關鍵字: 行動研究;PDA;資訊數位化;Active research;PDA;electronic data process
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究目的在運用科技產品PDA融入理化教學,提高學習動機、增加資訊數位化的處理能力與學習的成效。以行動研究的方式,來了解PDA在教學上應用的方式與產生問題的解決之道,並在行動研究中獲得自我成長。 研究中參照國立編譯館的課程資料與國外的探針教學資訊結合運用在研究中,透過PDA的輔助學習,得到參與研究學生的訪談資料、隨筆心得、問卷調查資料與研究者的省思札記,加以統整、分析判斷、、等。 本研究主要的結論如下﹕ 1. 運用PDA確實能增進學生積極參與理化實驗課程,進而了解多一點理化的相關內容。 2. 研究課程難免遇到困境,如文獻不易尋得、時間與體力不足、資料整理分析與呈現不易、技術的提供、、、等等。但透過不斷的行動與反省與修正,終究得以突破部份瓶頸。 3. 教師從行動研究中增進專業知識與專業態度,更發現「在行動中從事研究」的樂趣及「在研究中提升行動」的成長。 最後,分別對後續研究及學生參與提出建議,供有志從事PDA融入教學的教師參考。 關鍵詞:行動研究、PDA、資訊數位化。
Abstract The objectives of this research are incorporating PDA technology in science education, enhancing learning motives, improving the process efficiency of electronic data process and learning outcomes. The methods, problems, and solution concerning utilization of PDA in education are probed by means of active research. Curriculum information obtained from National Institute for Compilation and Translation and probing education of foreign researches are studied in this research. The interview data, free writing thoughts, questionnaire survey, and researcher’s records are complied, analyzed, and studied with the assistance of PDA. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The use of PDA can enhance students’ participation in science course and help them better understand the course content. 2. The problems encountered during the curriculum study include scarcity of prior researches, insufficient time and physical ability, difficulties in data analysis, and sources of technical assistance. However, through continuous modification and self-reflection, the rese arch is able to breakthrough the bottleneck. 3. Teachers have improved their professional knowledge and attitude in the active research, and found enjoyment in ‘research in action’ and ‘improvement of action in research’. At last, implications are made on follow-up studies to teachers who exhibit interest in incorporation of PDA in teaching. Keywords: Active research, PDA, electronic data process
Appears in Collections:Thesis