Title: 九年一貫自然與生活科技能力指標之網路多媒體教材與測驗評量研究
On the Study of Multimedia Courseware and Test for Competence Indicators (Science and Technology) of Grade 1-9 Curriculum
Authors: 翁全志
Chyuan-Jyh Weng
Deng-Jyi Chen
Keywords: 九年一貫;能力指標;多媒體教材;多媒體測驗;自然與生活科技;Grade 1-9 Curriculum;Competence Indicators;Multimedia Courseware;Multimedia Test;Science and Technology
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 九年一貫課程的實施,七大學習領域的教學統整課程、學習能力指標的教學目標、資訊融入教學的教學新理念,對新世紀的教育產生巨大的變革。在增進學生的學習成效上,以發展學生多元智慧的教育精神,也越來越受到學者的重視。 本研究以九年一貫能力指標為起點,探討學者專家對基本能力指標教材的研究,挑選自然與生活科技領域能力指標前後連貫的課程(天象與時空),分析現有常用的電腦多媒體製作軟體,選擇簡單學易用的電腦多媒體製作軟體,將傳統書面教材仔細分析切割後製作成網路多媒體教材,同樣也分析傳統紙筆測驗試題,挑選適宜的題目製作成電腦多媒體試題,以比較在傳統書面教材的學習,及多媒體教材的學習,這兩種模式學生在電腦多媒體測驗評量中,和傳統紙筆測驗是否有不同的學習成效。 由實驗數據的分析結果,傳統紙筆測驗評量利用紙筆圖形文字敘述型式,學生可能因語文閱讀能力較差,無法了解題意而造成評量成績的落差。電腦多媒體測驗試題則能提供較多的題意訊息,學生更能瞭解題意而能充份作答。施測結果經統計分析顯示電腦多媒體測驗比傳統紙筆測驗成績較佳,且達到顯著差異。所以提供題意清楚而表達完整的電腦多媒體測驗,對評量學生的學習效果有積極而正面的意義。
Revolutionary changes in education have a lot to do with Grade 1-9 Curriculum, Integrated Curriculum, Competence Indicators, and Information Technology Education. Multiple Intelligences has got more and more attention in improving students’ learning ability. This research examines many studies in which competence-indicators-oriented materials are on focus. Some related courses in the area of Science and Technology, such as astronomy and space, could be recreated by easy-to-access software and presented in multimedia rather than in printed. The paper-test could as well be rearranged in the same method. That the research wants to look at is how students respond to those different modes of text displaying and assessment. From our experimental study, the statistic result shows that students can do better on computer-based multimedia type test than the paper-base test. This implies that students who with poor reading ability find hard time in decoding narrative questions on paper-base test usually get help while the questions get a lot more understandable on computer-based multimedia type test. Form this experimental study we conclude that both multimedia courseware and test presentation play an effective role for helping students to understanding and to learn the subject course.
Appears in Collections:Thesis