Title: 消費者對於罰款的解釋或撤回之反應
The Consumers' Reaction to the Explanation or Withdrawal of Penalty Fee
Authors: 洪子茵
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 信用卡;罰款;個人主義;集體主義;促進焦點;預防焦點;解釋;撤回;credit card;penalty fee;individualism;collectivism;promotion focus;prevention focus;explanation;withdrawal
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究旨在探討當不同人格特質或個人目標達成方式的消費者,對於信用卡公司是否有給予額外的解釋或是打算撤回罰款時,所產生的心理感受,是否也會有所不同。本人研究藉由網路來做問卷的發放,最後共回收271份問卷,刪掉無效樣本後,最後共計有263份有效問卷。並利用T檢定、ANOVA分析、迴歸分析來得出問卷分析後的結果。結果發現: 1.對於具集體主義人格特質的消費者來說,解釋會減輕較多程度的不公平看法和付款的不情願 (相較於具個人主義人格特質的消費者)。 2.對於具個人主義人格特質的消費者來說,罰款的撤回會改善較大程度的公平 看法和對公司的忠誠度(相較於具集體主義人格特質的消費者)。 3.對於以預防焦點達成個人目標的消費者來說,解釋會減輕較多程度的不公平看法和付款的不情願 (相較於以促進焦點達成個人目標的消費者)。 4.對於以促進焦點達成個人目標的消費者來說,罰款的撤回會改善較大程度的公平看法和對公司的忠誠度(相較於以預防焦點達成個人目標的消費者)。 因此,倘若信用卡公司能清楚地了解客戶是屬於何種特質,並將其分群,以最適合他們的方案來分別滿足他們,使得在客戶方面,能提高他們對公司的滿意度與忠誠度;在公司方面,可以降低不必要的成本付出,創造出「雙贏」的結果。
This study aimed to investigate the differences of perception between individualism and collectivism or prevention focus and promotion focus of credit card holders in Taiwan, when facing the extra explanation or the withdrawal of penalty. Giving the situational questionnaires on the internet, gathering total 271 data, and after deleting non-useful ones, there are 263 data remained. And then I used the T test, and ANOVA test to analyze them. The results show that: 1.Consumers of collectivism will reduce a higher degree of unfairness and unwillingness to pay the penalty than consumers of individualism due to the explanation. 2.Consumers of individualism will improve a higher degree of fairness and loyalty to the company than consumers of collectivism due to the withdrawal of penalty. 3.Consumers of prevention focus will reduce a higher degree of unfairness and unwillingness to pay the penalty than consumers of promotion focus due to the explanation. 4.Consumers of promotion focus will improve a higher degree of fairness and loyalty to the company than consumers of prevention focus due to the withdrawal of penalty. Therefore, if the credit card company can know what personality do the customers belong to in advance, putting them into groups, and using the suitable cases to satisfy them, which on the customer’s side can increase their satisfaction and loyalty, and on the company’s side can decrease unnecessary costs, creating the “win-win” results.
Appears in Collections:Thesis