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dc.contributor.authorWang, Mei-Tingen_US
dc.contributor.authorLee, Jong-Eaoen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討傳統式自我學習精熟學習教學法與「高、中、低學習成就」學生為同一組的異質分組討論式精熟學習教學法,在國民中學數學科一元二次方程式的學習成就之差異,採用準實驗設計方法,以國民中學八年級學生為研究對象,研究對象為新竹市立某國中八年級兩個班級學生,共60人,其中實驗組29人,控制組31人,實施為期五週的教學實驗。其中實驗組採「高、中、低學習成就」學生為同一組的異質分組討論式精熟學習教學法,控制組則採傳統式自我學習精熟學習教學法。在進行實驗教學前,兩組皆先進行前測評量,實驗教學結束後,再進行後測評量,所得資料數據以PASW Statistics 18統計套裝軟體進行作資料分析,以獲得相關重要結論如下: 1.傳統式自我學習精熟學習教學法與「高、中、低學習成就」學生為同一組的異質分組討論式精熟學習教學法,在國中數學科一元二次方程式之學習成就並無差異(p>0.05);兩組的學習成就均呈現明顯的進步。(p<0.05) 2.在異質分組討論式之精熟學習教學法下,高學習成就的學生,對於國中數學科一元二次方程式之學習成就無顯著差異(p>0.05);中學習成就的學生,對於國中數學科一元二次方程式之學習成就呈現明顯的進步(p<0.05);低學習成就的學生,對於國中數學科一元二次方程式之學習成就呈現明顯的進步(p<0.05)。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study aims at discussing the difference between two learing strategy: "High, Medium and Low learning achievement" for the same group of heterogeneous grouping discussion teaching and traditional teaching in mastery learing model. I examine the learning effects derived from the learing strategies ghrough applying the two learing strategies to the junior high school students on their mathematic-Quadratic Equation of a Variable. The objects of my study are 60 the Junior High School students in Hsinchu City, among which, 29 studentsbelong to experiment group and 31 control group. Each week, I implemented my teaching experiment at least four classes and the whole process lasted five weeks in total. I adopted "High, Medium and Low learning achievement" for the same group of heterogeneous grouping discussion mastery learning in the experiment group and traditional mastery learning in the control group. Before my teaching experiment, both groups proceeded with a pretest in advance. After the teaching experiment, a posttest was redone again for both groups. All the data required from the results of my teaching experiment were processed by PASW Statistics 18 Statistical Analysis Software and the following conclusions were incurred. 1. Both the heterogeneous grouping discussion teaching and traditional teaching in mastery learning model were no difference (p>0.05), and caused progresses (p<0.05) from learning achievment on students’ mathematic-Quadratic Equation of a Variable. 2. In the heterogeneous grouping discussion teaching, the students of high learning achievement were significant difference. (p>0.05) The students of middle learning achievement showed significant improvement. (p<0.05) The students of low learning achievement showed significant improvement as well. (p<0.05)en_US
dc.subjectgrouping discussionen_US
dc.subjectmastery learningen_US
dc.subjectQuadratic Equation of a Variableen_US
dc.titleExplore the heterogeneous grouping discussion teaching of mathematics learning achievement in the mastery learning mode: A Case Study of “the Quadratic Equation of a Variable” for the Eighth-Grade Students.en_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis