標題: 店到店物流配送系統之脆弱度分析 ──以全家便利商店為例
Vulnerability Analysis of Retailing Delivery System: An Example of FamilyMart
作者: 曾鈺媖
Feng, Cheng-Min
Huang, Yu-Kai Huang
關鍵字: 店到店;配送;脆弱度;交互式質性分析;決策實驗室分析;Store to store;Delivery;Vulnerability;IQA;DEMATEL
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 過去網路購物常用的宅配與郵寄由於時間窗無法妥善媒合,經常造成貨到無人領的情況,且寄送費用較為高昂,對於雙薪家庭、上班族、學生族群甚是困擾,市場期待著「低價而穩定」的配送。利用台灣便利商店林立且24小時營業的特性,發展出所謂「線上購物,便利商店取貨」的新型態配送方式,正符合市場的期待,同時有助於便利商店強化品牌與提升競爭力。店到店服務的好壞,不僅代表著該物流公司的績效,某種程度上也影響著該便利商店的品牌形象與電子商務商家的形象。 近年風險管理的議題漸獲重視,當危害與脆弱度同時發生,便產生風險。因此,脆弱度是為風險管理中非常重要的一環,其概念也廣泛地應用於各個領域。本研究的目的在於對店到店物流配送的失誤做一系統性的分析,找尋配送系統可能之失誤與脆弱,提供管理上之建議,以期能降低失誤的發生與有效配置管理資源。透過發展服務藍圖與專家深度訪談,了解常見的配送失誤與可能的原因,進而設計專家問卷。利用交互式質性分析結合決策實驗室分析法,找尋失誤間之關聯與影響強度,並評估配送系統之脆弱。 研究果顯示交互式質性分析法能有效縮減關係數量,保留影響力足夠的關係。而決策實驗室分析法,同時考量直接與間接關係,以中心度與原因度的概念,於關聯位置圖中區分為四個象限,各具其意義。總結分析認為確保資訊回傳、系統資訊、自動理貨系統等之正常運作為基本要件,而改善POS系統、店鋪端的驗貨作業、門市人員、人工理貨品質,將有助於系統更加優化,對於理貨錯誤、店鋪誤收、標籤破損等最常見的三大失誤事件都能有很大的改善作用。
Because of time slot can’t match properly, e-commerce parcel usually arrive without consignee. The freight fee for home delivery is high. The market expects a low and steady delivery method. Take advantage of high coverage rate of convenience stores and they operate around the clock, developing a new retail delivery model that can pick up parcels in a convenience store at any time as your convenience. The new delivery model helps convenience store to enhance the brand and competitiveness. The performance of the service is somehow related to the brand of the convenience store and e-commerce store. When hazard and vulnerability happen at the same time, there has risk. Vulnerability is an important part in risk management. The main purpose of the research is to discuss failures and vulnerability through systematic analysis. Developing service blueprint and taking in-depth interview with experts to find out failures in delivery process and its causes. Use IQA and DEMATEL to find the relationships and intensity among failures, evaluating system’s vulnerability. The results show that IQA efficiently decrease the number of relationships. DEMATEL clarify the relationships among the failures and categorize failures to four quadrants, which helps identify critical problems. In conclusion, information transmission, system information, and automatic sorting system operating normally are essential. Improving POS system, goods examination process in store, clerk, and human assortment quality help system perform better.