標題: 捷運地圖編輯系統
Metro Map Editing
作者: 彭惋榆
Peng, Wan-Yu
Wang, Yu-Shuen
關鍵字: 捷運地圖;Metro Map
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 利用自動化系統產生的捷運地圖,往往無法同時兼具美觀、實用、易讀等特性,對於一張觀光地圖,更可能由於季節轉換、環境差異、或者目的不同,需要不一樣的改變,而人工手動編輯地圖是達成這些需求的必要手段,然而人工繪製一份地圖非常耗時且須要專業技術,因此我們發展出一套編輯系統,讓一般非專業的使用者皆可根據自身需求,產生一份專屬捷運地圖。在我們的系統中,使用者僅須控制極少數的車站位置,剩餘車站會根據我們制訂的準則自動計算,例如:相鄰車站間距離相等、車站相連的邊以平角方向(垂直、水平、或四十五度對角)擺放,這些準則普遍用於捷運地圖的設計上。我們限制車站間相連的邊以固定的方向放置,離散性質的條件式導致高度非線性的目標函數,由於系統必須供應使用者即時互動的效能,因此,我們利用交替與遞迴的方式計算每段相連邊的長度與方向。另外,我們的系統提供使用者在地圖上隨意擺放地標示意圖,這些示意圖由使用者指定其鄰近的車站,由系統計算位置,防止圖片與地圖路線產生遮蔽。實驗結果顯示出我們的編輯系統提供了一個直覺式的使用者介面,即使非專業的地圖設計者也可以簡單快速的設計出一張專屬且美觀的捷運觀光地圖。
Manual editing of a metro tourist map is essential because many aesthetics and recognizability demands in map generation cannot be achieved by a fully automatic method. A metro tourist map may also appear differently because of changes in seasons, landmarks, and purpose of travel. Manual design of such maps is time-consuming and requires expert skills. Thus, we present an editing system that allows general users to manipulate only a small number of stations. The remaining station positions are computed according to the schematic criteria such as even spaces and octilinear edge directions (vertical, horizontal, or diagonal) that are commonly used in metro map design. Because edges are limited to extend in discrete directions, the constraint results in a highly non-linear objective function. We compute for edge lengths and edge directions alternatively and iteratively to achieve interactive performance during metro map editing. Our system also allows users to decorate a metro tourist map by using landmark images, where the image is first manually attached to a station and its position is computed to prevent occlusion. Experimental results show that our editing system achieves an intuitive interface and enables even non-professions to easily design a metro tourist map.