Title: 部落格口碑之商業意圖揭露對消費者態度之探討
The Consumers’ Reaction to the Revealed Business Intension of Blog’s Word-of-Mouth
Authors: 劉品含
Liu, Pin-Han
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 部落格;商業意圖;信任;消費者理想破滅;Blog;Business Intension;Trust;Consumer Disillusionment
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 網際網路的發達帶動了新形態的口碑傳播,使得口碑訊息的傳播更加迅速且廣泛。其影響層面從消費者依賴網路上的資訊分享來幫助制定購買決策,到企業利用網路的傳播特性來吸引大眾目光,種種現象都使得網路口碑成為不可輕視的溝通管道。但也由於網路訊息之可操弄性,使得平台上充斥著許多分享動機不單純(具商業意圖)之口碑,而讓口碑的可靠性、真實性有待商榷。
1. 已揭露商業意圖的網路口碑,於信任、購買意願及口碑傳播意圖上,皆較揭露為非商業意圖者程度較低。
2. 口碑接收者的信任程度對其購買意圖呈現正向相關;購買意圖對口碑傳播意願亦為正相關。
3. 口碑訊息有前後不一致之情況時,訊息接收者對口碑之信任程度存在顯著降低,且其消費者理想破滅的程度將會升高。而口碑內容真實度前後不一致之信任,亦顯著低於一初始即已如實揭露商業意圖之信任程度。
4. 當商業意圖已明確揭露後,口碑文章的內容形式表現,對口碑接收者之信任、購買意圖及口碑傳播意願等方面並無顯著差異。
The new style online Word-of-Mouth (O-WOM) was came by the growing internet activities, and it spread up the spread of O-WOM and the influence become more powerful than before. The influence of the new style O-WOM are from helping the customers to their purchasing decision making, to being the tools of enterprises which using the popularly spread character of internet trying to catch the eyeballs of all the people. The appearance of things make O-WOM a communicate channel which should not be underestimated. But since the handleable characteristic of the internet information, the platform are full of O-WOMs which sharing with not pure motives, cause the discredit of the O-WON’s reliability and authenticity.
The purpose of this research is to find out whether customers’ reaction such as trust, purchasing intension, spreading intension, and the consumer disillusionment change or not after the business intension being revealed. And hope the result can be an helpful reference materials when enterprises using internet platform as an advertisement tool.
A questionnaires was used to collect the required information to test the hypothesis. Using regression method to analysis, the result came up as following:
1. The level of trust, purchasing intension, spreading intension is lower when the business intension of blog’s WOM being revealed than unrevealed.
2. The trust of O-WOM receivers has positive impact on purchasing intension; the purchasing intension has positive impact on spreading intension.
3. The level of O-WOM receivers’ trust will decrease significantly when there are inconsistent in the WOM, and the level of consumer disillusionment will increase. And the trust under the inconsistent in WOM is lower significantly than under the business intension being revealed from the very first.
4. The trust, purchasing intension, spreading intension are no significant differences between the dissimilar WOM contents when the business intentions are revealed explicitly.
Appears in Collections:Thesis