Title: 轉型領導對服務導向組織公民行為之影響: 以中介效果的跨層次分析
The effects of transformational leadership on service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors:A mediating and cross-level analysis
Authors: 張愷文
Chang, Kai-Wen
Hsiao, Chan
Keywords: 跨層次分析;轉型領導;服務導向組織公民行為;組織承諾;價值觀一致性;高承諾人力資源實踐;Cross-level Analysis;Transformational Leadership;Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behaviors;Organizational Commitment;Value Congruence;High-commitment Human Resource Practices
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究試圖回答:『組織的轉型領導者對服務導向組織公民行為之影響─以提升組織承諾之關鍵中介機制作探討。』本研究假設轉型領導者透過領導行為,可以使組織成員體現出符合組織與顧客需求的服務導向組織公民行為,亦可透過提升組織成員的組織承諾,進而使成員表現出服務導向組織公民行為。另外,轉型領導者為了提升組織成員的組織承諾,可以透過領導成員的價值觀與組織價值觀趨於一致與實行高承諾人力資源實踐的措施,進而提升成員的組織承諾,本研究將以跨層次及關鍵中介機制之分析切入探討服務導向組織公民行為之重要性。本研究的貢獻如下:首先,本研究從組織領導者的角度,提出並證實組織層次的轉型領導與個人層次的服務導向組織公民行為之正向關係,以期彌補過去單方面探討服務導向組織公民行為意涵之缺口,此外,本研究提出並證實組織層次的轉型領導可以透過個人層次的組織承諾之中介效果,正向影響個人層次的服務導向組織公民行為,此關鍵中介機制將有關服務導向組織公民行為之研究更往前推進。另外,本研究從領導者的觀點,試圖建立一個提升組織承諾的關鍵中介機制之模型,提出並證實組織層次的轉型領導者可以透過個人層次的價值觀一致性與高承諾人力資源實踐之中介效果,可以正向影響個人層次之組織承諾,此關鍵中介機制將有關組織承諾之研究更往前推進。最後,本研究採用了階層線性模型的統計方法對服務導向組織公民行為進行跨層次之分析,其方法可以使關於組織行為領域的研究更為全面與細緻外,更可將有關服務導向組織公民行為之研究往前推進。
This research tries to answer how transformational leaders impact on service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors ─ to enhance the mediator of organizational commitment. We hypothesize that transformational leaders can through leadership behaviors, allowing organizational members to reflect service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors which match the needs of organizations and customers. Moreover, transformational leaders also can enhance organizational members’ organizational commitment, which can allow organizational members to reflect service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, in order to enhance organizational members’ organizational commitment, transformational leaders can lead organizational members’ value and organizations’ value become congruence, and implement high-commitment human resource practices. This research will adopt the Hierarchical Liner Modeling of cross-level analysis and crucial mediators, discussing the importance of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. The contributions of this research are as following. First, we are from the view of organizational leaders, proposed and proved that the organizational level of transformational leaders have a positive influence on the individual level of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors, which anticipate to compensate the gap of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. Second, we proposed and proved that the organizational level of transformational leaders can through the individual level of organizational commitment’s mediator effect which has a positive influence on the individual level of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. This crucial mediator will forward the relative research of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. Third, we try to build a model which can enhance the crucial mediator of organizational commitment, proposed and proved that the organizational level of transformational leaders can through the individual level of value congruence and high-commitment human resource practices’ mediator effect which have a positive influence on the individual level of organizational commitment. This crucial mediator will forward the relative research of organizational commitment. Finally, this research adopted the statistical method of Hierarchical Liner Modeling to carry out the cross-level analysis of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors. This statistical analysis can not only make the relative research of organizational behaviors more comprehensive and detailed, but also forward the relative research of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors.
Appears in Collections:Thesis