Title: 商業銀行如何透過營運模式的競爭優勢持續經營--以渣打國際商業銀行、中國銀行與臺灣銀行為例
Analysis of How Commercial Banks Continue Operations through Competitive Advantages in Operation Model:An case study of Banking Industry between Standardchartered Bank、Bank of China and Bank of Taiwan
Authors: 施若芝
Shih, Juo-Chih
Keywords: 兩岸銀行業;金融危機;金融市場變化;競爭優勢;持續經營;CAMEL指標;Banking industry;Financial crisis;Competitive advantage;CAMEL;PCA
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 在經濟發展過程中,金融體系與經濟體系同時發展,金融機構往往是經濟成長過程中不可或缺的角色。Pagano(1993)及Levine(1997)歸納金融體系促進經濟成長的管道如下: (1)降低流動性風險; (2)具有資訊取得的規模經濟可提高資源配置效率; (3)經由借貸契約的設計可以降低監督成本(mointoring cost); (4)有效吸收儲蓄、有利資本累積及技術創新; (5)降低交易成本加速專業化的腳步; (6)透過資產組合分散風險。另外,Mckinnon(1973)、Shaw(1973)、Greenwood and Jovanovic(1990)、Rajan and Zingales(1998)、Levine and Ross(2006)等皆指出金融發展程度與經濟成長呈現正相關。其中,金融發展最重要的組成因素之一,就是間接融資的主要管道—銀行業發展。 中國大陸經過30多年的改革開放,逐步建立了新的金融體制,在經濟金融全球化 迅速發展的今天,中國大陸金融市場已經成為國際金融市場的重要組成。2008年全球爆發金融海嘯,值此國際金融局勢變化,亞洲在全球金融危機中率先復甦,且近年亞洲地區國家的經濟成長率呈現持續高度成長,如中國、印度、印尼、台灣、韓國等地對世界經濟增長的貢獻率加大,顯示亞洲的競爭力日益加強,確立了新興經濟體崛起,全球金融和經濟重心東移的趨勢。而在這之中,又以中國和台灣間的經濟開放交流最受亞洲經濟所注目。2009年1月16日兩岸簽署金融監理合作備忘錄(MOU)生效, 2010年6月29日兩岸第五次「江陳會談」簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),2010年9月12日正式生效,兩岸經貿關係與合作發展正式邁入新的里程碑。雙方金融市場的實質交流轉趨頻繁,這顯示著兩岸銀行業未來的競爭態勢將更加鮮明,故如何清楚了解自身的競爭優勢及定位以維持經營,變成兩岸銀行業當前欲思考的策略要點。 本次研究範圍主要以往來台灣與大陸地區皆有設立分行之銀行業為樣本,截至2013 年 3 月底止,總計16家,並自其中舉出以渣打國際商業銀行、中國銀行與臺灣銀行三家具有相關背景與發展的商業銀行為研究對象,儘管2008年的金融危機似乎走到了盡頭,但如果越來越多的銀行無法穩健發展甚至走向失敗與倒閉,它仍然是值得我們商確的。本次論文研究試著去分析銀行業之間如何維持競爭優勢以持續經營避免走向失敗甚至倒閉,透過運用美國審查銀行之 CAMEL 評等法取自2005-2012年八年Bankscope資料庫的資料選出12項財務指標,預測銀行績效表現的重要性已鑑定。主要結果顯示:渣打銀行競爭優勢主要在於風險管理能力,而中國銀行競爭優勢主要在於獲利能力,台灣銀行競爭優勢主要在於資本結構能力。發展良好且具有遠見的經營原則,最終將形成穩健的風險管理,其風險的容忍度相當明確,在金融風暴下會凸顯其經營績效。
In the economic development process, financial systems and economic systems develop at the same time.Financial institutions play indispensable roles in the economic growth process. Pagano (1993) and Levine (1997) summed up financial systems to promote economic growth in the following manners:(1) reduce the liquidity risk;(2) informations to obtain economies of scale can improve the efficiency of resource allocation;(3) through the design of the loan contract can reduce monitoring costs;(4) effectively absorb savings, favorable capital accumulation and technological innovation;(5) reduce transaction costs, accelerate the speed of specialization;(6) through the portfolio diversify risk.Besides, Mckinnon (1973)、Shaw (1973)、Greenwood and Jovanovic (1990)、Rajan and Zingales (1998)、Levine and Ross (2006) pointed out that the degree of financial development and economic growth are positively correlated.One of the most important elements of financial development is the development of banking industries. After 30 years of reform and opening up,China gradually establish a new financial system. In today's rapid development of economic and financial globalization,financial markets in China occupies an important position in the international financial markets.Due to global financial crisis in 2008,international financial situations changes.Since Asia firstly recovered from the global financial crisis,it shows the rise of emerging economies and the eastward shift of global financial and economic power,especially the Cross-Strait Business Ties gets the most attention.After MOU agreement in 2009 and ECFA in 2010 between Taiwan and China,the financial cooperation between each other becomes open and frequency.It shows that the competitive situation of banking industries between Taiwan and China will be tougher.Therefore, to clear understanding of their competitive advantages and positioning to maintain their operations of banking industries between Taiwan and China will be important. The samples of this study are extracted from Bankscope database during 2005 to 2012 and the total data are 16 commercial banks from Taiwan and China,citing Standard Chartered Bank,Bank of China and Bank of Taiwan three commercial banks with the relevant background and development for the study.While the financial crisis seems to come to an end,it remains questionable if more banks would fail in the near future.The thesis try to analyze how to maintain competitive advantages among banks to avoid defeat through twelve financial variables based on CAMEL,then use these variables to examine by descriptive statistics analysis, principal component analysis to derive functions indentifing the differences between banks.The level of importance of financial ratios to the prediction of bank performance is indentified.The principal component analysis functions exhibit satisfactory predictive power.
Appears in Collections:Thesis