標題: 影響消費者選擇日租套房因子之探討
Key Factors Affecting Consumer Selection of Daily Rental Suites
作者: 楊季芝
Yang, Chi-Chih
關鍵字: 日租套房;消費者行為;消費者選擇;量化研究;Daily rental suites;consumer behavior;consumer choosing;qualitative research
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 近年來政府大力推展觀光,加上國人週休二日旅遊風氣盛行,形成國內外 在台旅遊人數屢創新高。以台中逢甲夜市為例,是台灣規模最大的夜市,假日 可吸引數十萬人次到訪,被列為國內外遊客必到景點,因此也產生大量的住宿 需求。 在現行飯店與旅館無法因應整體旅客住宿需求的情況下,日租套房的經營 型態隨之產生,是近年來旅遊業新興的一環。日租套房通常位於景點週遭的公 寓大廈內,由一般民眾經營,跟一般旅館相較下更為機動便利,而且價位更為 便宜,乾淨舒適度也不遜於一般旅館,提供旅客及出差人士的另一種選擇。 以消費者為主的經營理念出發,業者能掌握顧客心理,就越能掌握商機。 本研究利用多變量的分析方式找出那些因素對消費者入住意願影響最為關鍵, 並藉以建構預測模型。 本研究以網路問卷調查作為量化實證資料蒐集,並利用統計分析軟體SPSS 18.0 進行資料解析,探討研究變數之間的關係與影響。藉以找出與入住意願 相關的重要因子,供後續日租套房的業主經營上的策略參考。
The Taiwan government has worked to promote tourism and sightseeing in recent years. The amount of foreign tourists visiting Taiwan as well as domestic tourists has risen. Take Feng Chia Night Market for example, it is the largest and most popular night market in central Taiwan. It regularly attracts over one hundred thousand visitors during holidays and weekends. Both foreign and domestic tourists think Feng Chia Night Market is a major sight-seeing destination in Taiwan. This large base of tourism generates a great demand to accommodate. Daily Rental Suites have emerged in recently years. They are usually located in apartment buildings around the bustling night market. Compared with the hotel, it is more flexible and convenient. In addition, it is cheaper. The Suites provide another option for tourists and business travelers. In today’s customer oriented business philosophy, the better the owner understands the needs of his costumers, the more business opportunities he can create. This study’s primarily goal was to explore the related factors that affected consumers’ selections of daily rental suites from the“consumer” point of view and further predict the renting trends of future costumers. This study was conducted with internet questionnaire survey. The SPSS 18.0 for Windows statistical software was utilized as a data analysis instrument. It explored the relationship and influence between the variables.
Appears in Collections:Thesis