標題: 動態幾何軟體融入小組合作教學法與討論教學法對國中學生二度空間概念學習成效之研究
The Effects of Integrating Student’s Team Achievement Division and Discussion Method with GSP on Junior High School Students' Learning of 2D Spatial Concept
作者: 朱有聖
Chu, Yu-Sheng
關鍵字: 國中學生;空間能力;小組合作;GSP;junior high students;spatial ability;Student’s Team Achievement Division;discussion method
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在探討GSP融入不同教學模式(小組合作教學法、討論教學法),對國中八年級學生學習二度空間概念之影響。主要的目的有三項: (一) 發展以GSP為工具融入旋轉概念之教材,並探討其對提升學生二度空間能力的教學成效。(二) 探究不同數學學業成就的國中八年級學生在GSP融入不同教學模式下之二度空間能力表現差異。(三) 探究不同性別的國中八年級學生在GSP融入不同教學模式下之二度空間能力表現差異。 本研究採用準實驗不等組前後測研究設計,研究對象為新竹市竹竹國中八年級學生,研究對象為研究者所任教的兩班八年級學生,並隨機分派為實驗一組(GSP融入小組合作教學法的二度空間旋轉概念教學)、實驗二組(GSP融入討論教學法的二度間旋轉概念教學)。實驗教學前,對所有研究對象施以「二度空間能力測驗」前測,確保兩組的研究對象在實驗教學前的二度空間能力一致,接著二度空間旋轉概念教學,教學完畢後接著施以後測,後測一個月後再進行延後測,將所得的資料以成對樣本t檢定、二因子單變量的統計方法進行分析。分析結果如下: (1)GSP的融入教學能有效提升國中八年級學生的二度空間能力。 (2)GSP融入「小組合作教學法」進行二度空間能力旋轉概念教學後,學生在「平移」、「旋轉1」、「空間」能力的學習上都有達到顯著的效果,且對整體二度空間能力具有立即成效與保留成效。 (3)GSP融入「討論教學法」進行二度空間能力旋轉概念教學後,學生在「對稱」能力的學習上有達到顯著的效果,且對整體二度空間能力具有立即成效與保留成效。 (4)不同數學學業成就與接受不同教學模式的學生,在二度空間能力表現上沒有顯著的交互作用。主要效果分析發現,高成就與中成就學生的後測成績優於低成就的學生;在延後測方面,高成就學生優於低成就學生。 (5)不同性別與接受不同教學模式的學生,在二度空間能力表現上沒有顯著的交互作用。不管是立即成效還是保留效果,男生與女生在二度空間能力的學習成效都一樣好。 最後綜合上述研究結果,分別從教學、教材與未來研究等三部分,提出具體建議。
This study aimed to investigate the integration of different teaching models (Student’s Team Achievement Division and discussion method) of GSP and study its effect on eighth graders’ learning of 2D spatial ability. Three research purposes are listed as follows: (1) Using GSP as a tool to develop instructional materials for the learning of rotating; (2) Exploring if performance differences of 2D spatial ability exist among students with different math achievement levels in different teaching models of GSP . This study adopted a nonequivalent groups pretest – posttest quasi – experimental design to examine the experiment effect. Two eight-grade classes from the same junior high school in Hsinchu county were selected as participants. The research randomly assigned students to experimental group 1 (Integrate GSP into Student’s Team Achievement Division), and experimental group 2 (Integrate GSP into discussion method). Before the experiment intervention, subjects are given the pretest of 2D spatial ability in order to ascertain no performance difference between two groups. . Research results are as follows: 1. Students’ 2D spatial ability can be effectively improved by the intervention of integrating GSP into teaching. 2. After the intervention, the immediate effect and maintenance effect were found in the experiment 1. Moreover, students improved their performance on the subtests of "translation", "rotation 1", and "3D Space". 3. After the intervention, the immediate effect and maintenance effect were found in the experiment 2. Moreover, students improved their performance on the subset of “symmetry”. 4. No interaction effect exists between math achievement levels and teaching models. Students with higher math achievement performed better than those with lower achievements. 5. No interaction effect exists between gender and teaching models. And there is no performance difference between female and male students. Based on the results, we propose suggestions for mathematic teaching and future study.


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