標題: 以微共振腔結構與彩色濾光片來增廣有機發光元件的色域
Enhancing the color gamut of organic light-emitting devices by employing microcavity structures and color filters
作者: 陳德全
關鍵字: 微共振腔結構;彩色濾光片;色域;employing microcavity structures;color filters;color gamut
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本篇論文提供了一種同微共振腔結構原理的窄帶濾光片加上彩色濾光片來達到增廣有機發光元件色域的方法,以白光有機發光二極體為光源搭配RBG彩色濾光片,將陰極部份加入窄帶濾光片進行色彩純化。 在目前有機發光二極體全彩化技術中,白光有機發光二極體為背光源搭配RBG彩色濾光片的技術在南韓三星電子已用在量產上,其技術來源於液晶顯示器,其優點在於使用技術純熟的彩色濾光片全彩化技術搭配白光有機發光二極體時,不需使用蒸鍍遮罩(shadow mask),具有製程簡單等優點。 彩色濾光片和白光有機發光二極體搭配後雖然製程較為簡易,也可以解決以RBG有機發光二極體因材料壽命不同會有色彩隨時間變化的問題,倘若頻譜半高寬太大卻將造成色彩不夠飽和的狀況,此時同微共振腔結構的干涉現象窄帶濾光片能有效的縮小頻譜半高寬,達到飽和的三原色,將色域由75.6%提升到107.8% NTSC,提供了有效增廣色域的方法。
This paper provides a micro-cavity structure with the principle of narrowband filter add color filters to achieve the organic light emitting element augmented gamut way to white organic light-emitting diodes as the light source with RBG color filter the cathode part of the narrowband filter for adding color purification. In the current organic light-emitting diode technology in full color, white organic light-emitting diodes as a light source with RBG color filter technology in South Korea, Samsung Electronics has been used in mass production, its technology from LCD monitors, and its advantages lies in the use of color filters skilled technology with full-color organic light-emitting diode white light when not in use evaporation mask (shadow mask), has the advantages of simple process. Color filters and white organic light-emitting diodes with a relatively simple process after though, can also be solved by RBG organic light-emitting diodes have different colors because the material life issues change over time, if the spectrum FWHM puts too much color saturation is not caused, the situation where the cavity structure with micro narrowband interference filter which can effectively reduce the spectral half-width, saturated primary colors, the color gamut from the raised to 75.6% 107.8% NTSC, provides an effective augmented gamut approach.


  1. 050801.pdf
  2. 050802.pdf
  3. 050803.pdf

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