Title: 應用於LED照明之無電感、無電解虛弦波電流控制架構設計與分析
The Design and Analysis of the Inductorless and Electrolytic Capacitorless Pseudo-Sine Current (PSC) Control Topology for LED Lighting Application
Authors: 賴建豐
Lai, Chien-Feng
Chen, Ke-Horng
Keywords: 非隔離;無電感;無電解電容;虛弦波電流;Non-isolation;Inductorless;Electrolytic Capacitorless;Pseudo Sine Current
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 以全球發布禁產及禁用政策的進度來看,最晚將於2017年禁止使用白熾燈。整體來說,白熾燈在這幾年將逐步被淘汰,直到2014年大幅消失,這股風潮接連帶動各種燈源的銷售,而LED燈泡壽命長、低耗電加上沒有汞汙染的危險,市場對於其成為下一世代光源的期待頗高。然而,由於初始購置成本過高以及消費者認知不足的情況下,LED燈泡目前在市場上仍存有疑慮。因此,本論文主要是以一種無電感、無電解電容虛弦波電流控制架構電路 (Inductorless and Electrolytic Capacitorless Pseudo-SineCurrent Control Topology) 將以低成本、高功率因素 (Power Factor, PF)、低總諧波失
真 (Total Harmonic Distortion, THD) 及低電磁干擾 (Electro-Magnetic Interference,EMI) ,提供另一種不同於以往的LED驅動電源的架構。本論文透過公式推導計算設計參數再經由模擬軟體確認電路波形正確性,最後實現了在輸入110VAC、輸入功率4.4W、功率因素 0.98及THD 18.1%,其輸出約為330流明而整體電路轉換效率約為80%,可應用於LED燈泡。
In view of the progress of the global energy policy, the latest in 2017 to prohibit the use of incandescent lamps. Overall, incandescent lamps in the past few years were gradually eliminated and will disappear until 2014 because this trend is driven by a series sales of a variety of light sources. LED long life light bulbs have the advantage of low power consumption combined with the absence of the risk of mercury contamination. LEDs become the next generation light source due to the markets’ high expectations. However, owing to the initial acquisition costs and lack of consumer awareness, the market still has doubts on LED light bulbs. Therefore, this thesis derives the design methodologies based on an inductorless and electrolytic capacitorless pseudo-sine current control topology (PSC), which has the advantages of low cost, high power factor (PF), low total harmonic distortion (THD) and low electro-magnetic interference (EMI), to provide an alternative solution different from conventional LED driving system. The paper uses an analytic formula to derive the calculated design parameters via simulation software and waveforms. The realization of the input voltage 110VAC, input power 4.4W, power factor 0.98 and THD 18.1%, and output of about 330 lumens with the overall circuit conversion efficiency of 80% can be applied to the LED bulbs.
Appears in Collections:Thesis