標題: 高速鐵路行車異常事件之客訴抱怨意見分析-以S公司為例
Customer Complaint Analysis of Abnormal Events in High Speed Rail – A Case Study of S Company
作者: 吳琬琪
Wu, Wan-Chi
關鍵字: 服務失誤;服務補救;行車異常事件;客訴抱怨意見;service failure;service recovery;abnormal event;costomer complaint
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 由於服務本身的特質(無形性、異質性及不易分割性等),並且服務失誤係由顧客主觀認定的,造成服務失誤幾乎無法避免,使得民間企業極為重視服務失誤補救,並將其視為提升顧客滿意度及維持競爭力的關鍵。 高速鐵路S公司設有旅客申訴管道讓旅客表達意見,並有專人處理申訴案件。由於申訴案件內容多樣化,本次僅針對行車異常事件引起的客訴抱怨意見進行分析比較。主要係因為行車異常事件對於高速鐵路來說,其有著運載量大、高速移動的特性,一但於行駛中發生任何異常事件,其所產生的災害也較其他運輸設備所來的嚴重。 本研究以魚骨圖及柏拉圖分析法,分析S公司行車異常事件與旅客意見,除了給予明確的分類,分析服務失誤與補救措施對顧客滿意度之關聯,並以四大類行車異常事件之服務失誤為個案研究探討實例。 檢視高速鐵路S公司客訴抱怨意見時補償措施和行車異常事件之應變是否符合旅客之期待。如何能做到更好,期盼藉由有效之服務補救及彌補,進而提升服務滿意度,並將其優劣予以S公司管理階層合理且根本的建議。 客訴抱怨意見
Because of service characteristics, such as intangibility, heterogeneity, non-separation etc., and the service failure which was judged by customers, service providers have difficulty avoiding service failure. In the event of service failure, consumers usually react negatively. Thus, companies must undertake strong and effective recovery efforts. However, if companies expect to maximize service recovery, they must clarify customer expectations of service recovery. The High speed Rail, S company, has set up petition channels for passengers to express their complaints and suggestions and a special group been formed to handle the petition cases as well. Passengers’ petitions vary case by case, but the study is focus on analysis for customer complaint of abnormal events. Mainly reason is because the abnormal events for the high-speed railway, has a carrying large, high-speed characteristics, when moving any unusual event, and disasters are serious than other transport equipment. This study is based on the concept of Fishbone diagram and Pareto chart to analysis customer complaint and abnormal events. Expect give enough in the classification of those cases, analysis the relationship of service failure and recovery with customer satisfaction, and measures using the case of service failure of four types at S company. Reviewed the recovery of complaint and reaction of abnormal events at S company, that are with the expectations of travelers or not. The study findings are expecting based on useful to promote customer satisfaction fllowing service recovery and providing the suggestions about the advantage and defect to S company authorities.
Appears in Collections:Thesis