Title: 運動鞋消費者行為與市場區隔關係之研究 -以大台北地區有購買意願消費者為例
A Study on Sports Shoes Purchasing Behavior and Market Segmentation-An Example of Willingness-to-Buy Consumer in Taipei Area
Authors: 吳明叡
Wu, Min-Jui
Keywords: 運動鞋;消費者行為;生活型態;市場區隔;Sports Shoes;Purchasing Behavior;Lifestyle;Market Segmentation.
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年來受到美國消費下滑、歐債危機以及中國需求下降影響,我國運動鞋外銷市場略顯下滑,然而在內銷方面卻有優異的表現,在國民生活品質提升加上對個人健康管理議題逐漸重視的趨勢下,運動鞋之銷售將伴隨運動風氣興盛而有不錯的成長表現。
The slump of consumption in the U.S., financial crisis in Europe, and decreasing demand in China exacerbated the poor export performance of sports shoes. However, due to the rising living standard and the awareness of health management, the domestic demand of Taiwan is gradually increasing and has a prospective growth.

The research uses questionnaire to collect data, and the EKB consumer purchasing behavior model is used as a conceptual framework in this study. The AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for consumer segmentation. Demographic factors, product properties, and consumption reality variables are also used to describe the characteristics and behavior of consumers. The data are analyzed with Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, ANOVA Analysis, Scheffe’s Test and Chi-square Test.

The results indicate that the consumer of sports shoes can be effectively segregated by lifestyle variables into three segments. Among these three segments, demographic variables, purchase motive variable, sources of information, product properties and consumption reality variables are significant predictions of product choice. Eventually, based on the outcome above, I suggest the 4P marketing strategies to the managers of sports shoes for reference.
Appears in Collections:Thesis