標題: 數位化綠建築:結合數位科技及永續設計的新設計過程
Digital-Green Architecture: A new design process that integrates digital technology and sustainable concepts
作者: 李芝瑜
Lee, Jeanne
Liu, Yu-Tung
關鍵字: 數位綠建築;設計過程;設計方法;設計媒材;數位科技;永續設計;Digital-Green architecture;Design process;Design method;Design media;Digital technology;Sustainability
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 隨著數位科技的蓬勃發展與技術應用的日益普及,這個時代所追求的建築不再侷限於外在形體,不論是數位建築或綠建築的發展進程,都朝向數位軟體與資訊科技的運用,期許以數位整合多面相的趨勢前進。然而,當數位建築過於傾向技術層面的設計方法時,建築師所追求的不應僅是建築技術或形體上的突破,更大的考驗則在深入探討新設計過程的同時,得以了解數位建築真正的重要性。因此,本論文提出數位綠建築(Digital-Green Architecture)的新觀點,思索在數位與節能功能並進的年代,如何融合數位化技術與節能功能於設計的思考及過程,藉由「數位綠建築」重新詮釋數位建築的設計思考模式,進而系統化的結合數位與節能的元素,發展新的數位綠建築理論(Theory of Digital-Green Architecture)。在數位科技與發展節能需求並重的設計中,經由設計過程(Design Process)、設計媒材(Design Media)與設計結果(Design Outcome)三項設計架構的分析,將所衍生數位綠構築的元素特徵,加以歸納為十二個結合數位與永續設計的新構築因子,藉以探討新的數位綠建築理論與設計過程的變化。
The trend of digital freeform in association with high-tech technology and the awareness of sustainable issues have propelled the development of architecture to a new level by comprehensively merging digital architecture and green concepts during the design process. There are several critical phenomena of digital-yet-green tectonics (so called the Digital-Green) evolving due to broad applications in the design process, design media and design outcomes. Based on preliminary thinking of Digital-Green architecture, twelve factors are generated through the structure of the design process, design media and design outcomes. The factors are employed to analyse ten chosen projects, wherein the digital and sustainable concerns are portrayed for a comprehensive overview. From this, a more systematic framework is suggested for integrating digital and sustainable elements and processes to explore a new approach for understanding the new needs in the era of Digital-Green Architecture. The design process is no longer a result of a parallel development between new sustainable thinking and digital tectonics but a comprehensive fusion of both. This new approach may elevate the design process from a bilateral stream to a unified level where the impact of streamlining sustains digital and sustainable development in the future stage of architecture.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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