標題: 探索社交媒體之遊戲化與社交性設計因素
Exploring Design Factors for Gamification and Sociability of Social Media
作者: 張人偉
Chang, Jen-Wei
Hsu, Shang-Hwa
關鍵字: 遊戲化;社交性;設計特徵;社交媒體;gamification;sociability;design features;social media
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 社交媒體是使用者用來分享共同的意見、觀點及經驗的平台,其為今日的個人、組織、與社群之間的溝通帶來重大的影響,只要能善用社交媒體,就能達到個人、組織、與社群的目標。雖然許多研究提出了可能影響社交媒體遊戲化與社交性的因素,既沒有透過系統性方法整理因素,也沒有描述設計因素相對重要性,無法讓社交媒體的管理者與設計者根據重要的設計因素發展最適設計策略。本研究的主要目的為探討社交媒體遊戲化機制與促進社交性的設計因素。本研究分成兩個部分,第一部分首先透過評估協同故事創作網站遊戲化機制,了解哪些遊戲化設計特徵是相對吸引使用者的,進而提出如何設計出具備高吸引力的社交媒體。本研究透過文獻歸納整理遊戲化設計因素,進一步透過訪談的方式找出35個具體的設計特徵,並以模糊層級分析法評估這些設計特徵的相對吸引力,最終找出最具吸引力的遊戲化特徵,包括被獎勵行為與獎勵物品的相關性很明確、給予時間壓力時機難以預測、網站提供的教學內容簡單易懂、相對於一個人完成,與其他使用者一起組團完成故事很有幫助、徽章的型態多元且有趣…等。本研究第二部分企圖找出並評估教育型多人線上角色扮演遊戲社交性之因素。本研究首先根據社交性的文獻探索出影響社交性的設計因素,接著本研究以模糊層級分析法評估這些設計的相對重要性,最終找出5個影響社交性因素最重要性的因素,分別為團隊合作、以團隊為基礎的獎勵、戰略討論、聲望、與社交導覽。綜合以上兩部分的結果,本研究亦討論研究結果對於整體社交媒體在理論與實務上之貢獻。
This research proposed a framework for exploring design factors for gamification and sociability of social media and divide it into two studies. In study I, we first identified attractive gamification mechanism for collaborative storytelling websites. We constructed a hierarchical system structure of gamification design of collaborative storytelling websites and conducted a focus group interview with eighteen frequent users to identify 35 gamification features. After that, this study determined the relative attractiveness of these gamification features by administrating an online survey to collaborative storytelling websites users. The results indicated that the top 10 most attractive gamification features could account for more than 50% of attractiveness among these 35 gamification features. The feature of unpredictable time pressure is important to website users, yet not revealed in previous relevant studies. In study 2, we then attempts to s to access the relative weights of these sociability factors of social media. We used fuzzy-AHP approach to access the relative weights of these sociability factors we garnered from the literature on educational MMORPGs. To do this, a questionnaire using a pair-wise comparison data input format was administered to 242 school teachers to gather assessments for the factors. We found five most important factors affecting sociability - cooperation, team based reward, discussion of strategy, reputation, and social navigation. Although prior studies have identified various factors that facilitate sociability in educational MMORPGs, the relative importance of these factors has not been determined. The results not only be used to help social media developers focus on the most important sociability factors and propose specific guidelines for designing educational MMORPGs, but can also identify the best design strategy for promoting sociability of social media.