標題: 從體驗設計的觀點看客庄休閒農業的創新:以台三線關西地區為例
Experience Design as Innovative Factor for Hakka Leisure Agriculture in Guansi
作者: 范淑琴
Fan, Shu-Chin
Lin, Chong-Wey
關鍵字: 體驗;休閒農業;客家;關西;觀光;Experienc;Leisure agriculture;Hakka;Guansi;Tourism
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究針對新竹台三線關西地區透過次級資料蒐集、參與式觀察與深度訪談,以關西的三大特色產業「仙草、水果、茶」著手,從業者的觀點切入,分析關西地區的休閒農業在體驗設計時的歷程及在環境體驗、活動體驗、產品體驗上的展現,並從這三大體驗構面中探討各案例在體驗領域中的展現。本研究的案例分別是代表「仙草」的案例為關西仙草博物館生態農場和關西仙草加工廠;代表「水果」的案例為關西金勇DIY番茄農場與關西高平番茄農場;代表「茶」的案例為錦泰觀光茶廠及臺灣紅茶公司。 在研究中發現,一個良好的環境體驗設計,除了環境整潔與停車方便是主要要素外,符合主題的環境規劃更能形塑特色。在產品體驗方面,能有自己獨特的產品或包裝,較能吸引遊客有不一樣的產品體驗。而在活動的體驗上,水果產業的休閒農業業者在DIY體驗活動設計上有較多元的展現。不論環境體驗、產品體驗、活動體驗,關西地區休閒農業的業者都能融入客家的元素在體驗設計上。 從案例訪問的論述中可以知道青年人回流從事休閒農業有越來越多的趨勢,在關西地區尤其以水果業態的經營者更是明顯,其原因是水果種植、果園經營的入門門檻較低,而年輕人只要願意去做,能夠改變既有的傳統經營模式,能夠站在消費者的立場去思考,就能有不一樣的發展。希望透過對關西地區休閒農業的研究,讓有意回鄉從事休閒農業的青年有了參考的模範。
The study, starting from the three specialty industries, mesona chinensis, fruit and tea, analyzes the design process of leisure agriculture in Guansi region and its presentation in environmental experience, activity experience and product experience. Three cases involved in this study are the Guansi Mesona Chinensis Museum Ecological Farm(關西仙草博物館生態農場) and the Guansi Mesona Chinensis Factory(關西仙草加工廠) representing the mesona chinensis case, the Jinyong DIY Tomato Farm(關西金勇DIY番茄農場) and the Gaoping Tomato Farm (關西高平番茄農場)standing for the fruit case and the Jintai Sightseeing Tea Factory (錦泰觀光茶廠)and the Formosa Black Tea Co., Ltd(臺灣紅茶公司) on behalf of the tea case respectively. The study finds out that a good environmental experience design not only means a neat environment and convenient parking, but also environmental planning that goes with the theme, for it can create an outstanding image. As for product experience, unique products and package can attract tourists and give them a different kind of product experience. When it comes to activity experience, leisure agricultural proprietors of the fruit industry have relatively multiple designs of DIY activity experience. Leisure agricultural proprietors in Guansi region can integrate Hakka elements in experience designs of environmental experience, product experience and activity experience. Discussion about the case interview indicates that there’s a tendency among young people to start new business in leisure agriculture, especially those fruit proprietors in Guansi region. The reason is that the entry cost of fruit planting and orchard management is comparatively low and young people can have a promising prospect as long as they are willing to challenge traditional business pattern and perceive things in consumers’ position.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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