標題: Lipo-PEG-PEI complex於免疫調節和蛋白質胞內運送功能方面的應用
The manipulation of lipo-PEG-PEI complex for immunoregulation and intracellular protein delivery
作者: 陳家弘
Chen, Chia-Hung
Liao, Kuang-Wen
關鍵字: 微脂體;免疫調節;蛋白質運送;Liposomes;immunoregulation;protein delivery
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 微脂體廣泛被應用於活化生物體專一性免疫能力,主要因為本身是一個具有安全性和高度可塑性的生物材料。根據先前研究,本實驗室已成功發展一新穎微脂體,並且透過新穎微脂體和蛋白分子交互作用相關實驗結果,證實主要具有以下三點特性: (1) 可以利用非共價鍵結方式吸附蛋白分子,(2) 吸附上的蛋白分子無法輕易被競爭下來,(3) 並且可以保有該吸附上的蛋白分子之活性。因此根據這些特性,本研究主要目的為探討新穎微脂體應用於免疫調節和蛋白質胞內運送的兩個方面。研究內容的第一部分目標是為了解新穎微脂體吸附免疫功能蛋白分子是否可以應用於在老鼠體內進行免疫調節能力之可行性,第二部分目標是利用B16F10-pLEGFP黑色素瘤在腫瘤轉移模型下探討新穎微脂體此複合體於老鼠體內進行專一性免疫調節之效率評估,而第三部分目標是研究新穎微脂體運送蛋白質進入細胞中之能力和機制。綜合以上研究成果充分顯示新穎微脂體未來應用於個人化藥物和蛋白質藥物開發的潛力。
Liposomes (phospholipid bilayer vesicles), which are biocompatible and flexible biomaterials, are currently used for efficient induction of specific immune responses against antigens. In our laboratory, lipo-complex has been developed and proved that (1) its non-covalent protein-adsorption ability, (2) the bound proteins are irreplaceable and (3) maintain the activities of the bound proteins. In this study, according to the characters of lipo-complex, the aim is the investigation of immunoregulation and intracellular protein delivery by using lipo-complex. Section one is to demonstrate that lipo-complex adsorbed immunofunction proteins could regulate specific T-cell immunity in vivo. Section two is to evaluate that the immunoregulation effect of lipo-complex is on the mice immunity against B16F10-pLEGFP melanoma cells in metastatic model. Section three is to investigate that the intracellular protein delivery ability and its mechanism of lipo-complex. Therefore, the study of lipo-complex provides an insight on the potency of development of personalized medicine and protein drug.
Appears in Collections:Thesis