標題: 亞洲低成本航空佈局之探究
Research on Development of Low Cost Carriers in Asia
作者: 姚憲天
Yu, Xian-Tian
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
關鍵字: 低成本航空;亞洲;航空發展;low cost airlines;low fare;budget;Asia;development of airlines
公開日期: 2012
摘要:   亞洲地區經濟改革成長,普遍民眾消費能力提升,進而促使航空市場之蓬勃發展並逐漸開發。在發展潛力與市場需求之趨勢下,近年來低成本航空公司也相繼進入亞洲航空市場。因目前較缺乏亞洲地區低成本航空之相關研究,本研究以不同之方式探討低成本航空在亞洲發展之型態、特質與策略。本研究針對亞洲之低成本航空,以ICAO 2009年公佈之可能名單與認知上作為低成本航空公司選擇之依據,並以航空經營指標對航空公司進行分類與經營能力分析。在本研究中,低成本航空大致可區分為四個集群-多元型、區域型、超長程型與國內型。經營能力之部分,多元型成本效率佳,從而獲利能力較好;區域型與國內型雖收入表現不錯,但因成本效率不佳而獲利能力下降。亞洲航空市場也逐漸開放,嚴格管制環境與未開放之政策等已不能作為亞洲低成本航空公司無法成功之藉口,提升經營管理能力與加強飛行安全,才能保持優勢與競爭力。
  Asia’s economic growth enhance the ability of public consumption, thereby promoting the booming and development of aviation market. In recent year, low cost carriers have entered the Asia’s aviation market because of the effect of the market demand and potential. Due to the lack of the relevant research of low cost airline in Asia, this study probe the development of patterns, characteristics and strategies of low cost carriers in Asia. The selection of low cost carriers was chose from the possible low cost carriers’ list that published by ICAO in 2009. This study used the airlines operating indicator for classification and viability analysis. The low cost carriers of this study can be divided into four cluster include multiple, regional, ultra long haul and domestic. We find that the profitability of multiple type is better because of cost efficiency is good; the revenue performance of regional and domestic type is good, but the poor cost efficiency make the poor profitability. Today, the Asia’s aviation market is gradually deregulation and liberalization, the strict regulation and non-liberalization cannot be an excuse for unsuccessful, improve the viability and flight safety is the way to keep advantage and competitiveness in aviation market.


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