标题: 牙髓病根管治疗微型机器人之发展:夹持机构设计与马达控制
Development of Endodontic Microrobot: File Fixture Mechanism Design and Motor Control
作者: 林郁茹
Lin, Yu-Ju
Liu, Tzong-Shi
关键字: 牙根管;超音波马达;模糊PID控制;Endodontics;Ultrasonic motor;fuzzy-PID control
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 牙髓病科为牙医学系的一门专科,俗称根管治疗,其程序为移除牙齿内部受感染的坏死神经后予以封闭,以根除病患牙齿的疼痛,然而此手术仰赖执业牙医多年培训的丰富经验与手艺,有可能发生人为失误。而近来机械与生医技术的结合,可有效协助医师处理在手术过程中遭遇到的问题。先进牙根管治疗之研究旨在发展电脑辅助系统及微型机器人来克服传统治疗过程中遭遇到的问题,提升根管治疗手术的可预测性及成功率,以协助医师进行牙科治疗,并迎合生医仪器的小型化趋势。
本研究之发展目标分为三个主轴,分别为超音波马达致动平台控制、根管治疗锉针夹持机构设计以及马达控制器。本研究的装置规划包含机械系统、控制电路和人机介面,又配备角位移、力和力矩三种感测器,机具皆可耐高温以利消毒。实验方面,应用LabVIEW软体和内嵌FPGA电路的NI sbRIO-9631撷取卡执行多轴控制,且具备定位、力与力矩的闭路控制,以达到即时的状态监测;此外,藉由LabVIEW软体建立人机介面,提供简易的操作介面,以便利医事人员操作。
本研究利用模糊PID控制器完成超音波马达致动平台控制法则,可有效提升定位精度至0.032 mm,较高的精度可以有效减少牙根管手术中牙根管穿孔的现象,再配合步进马达带动锉针转动达到清创效果。
Endodontic is a branch of dentistry, commonly known as root canal treatment. The process of endodontic includes removing damaged soft tissue and repairing teeth. However, the success of the surgery depends on doctors’ experience and training. The traditional treatment might cause surgical mistake. In order to assist doctors with the problems encountered during surgery, the trend of using mechanical engineering to solve problems related to biotechnology and medicine is more popular. This study aims to overcome problems encountered in the traditional treatment and enhance the clinical predictability and the cure rates of endodontic therapy by developing a computer-aided system and an endodontic microrobot. The developed hardware/software system is used to assist dentists in dental treatment and satisfy the trend of miniaturized biomedical instruments.
This study is focused on the development of an endodontic microrobot: displacement control of moving platform, file fixture design and electric motor controller. The apparatus of the study contains mechanical systems, control circuits and a human-machine interface with three sensors of angular displacement, force, and torque. The above equipment can be sterilized under high-temperature environment. Real-time multi-axis control is carried out by applying a LabVIEW software and NI sbRIO-9631 circuit card embedded with FPGA circuits. And the LabVIEW system has positioning, force, and torque feedback controls for real-time monitoring. The human-machine interface is constructed by using the LabVIEW software to facilitate operation done by clinical people.
The research uses a fuzzy-PID controller to achieve ultrasonic motor moving platform control. Positioning accuracy can be improved to 0.032 mm. High accuracy can effectively reduce the rate of root canal perforation. Moreover, a stepper motor drives Ni-Ti files for cleaning root canal.