標題: 平行式油壓平台力量控制的推導與實驗
Modelling and Experiments on the Computed Force Control of Hydraulic Parallel Machine
作者: 孫晏晞
Sun, Yen-Hsi
Chin, Jih-Hua
關鍵字: 油壓平台;油壓控制;計算力控制;逆向動力學;耦合預補償;Hydraulic manipulator;Hydraulic control;Computed force control;Inverse dynamic;Cross-couple pre-compensation
公開日期: 2004
摘要: 平行式油壓平台(Parallel hydraulic manipulator)能夠提供巨大的能量搭載重物,並可做出許多的姿態,故傳統一般皆用於飛行模擬器上。而隨著工業的進步,對於大型工件的加工需求也越來越多,若能將平行油壓平台引進成為搭載大型工件的工具機平台,必能提升加工效率和品質;因此,如何提升油壓平台的效能和空間軌跡的追踨能力,已為目前發展油壓平台的最大課題。本論文目的主要在於提出油壓平台的動態控制方法,並結合多軸交叉偶合預補償控制器(Multi-axis cross-coupled pre-compensation method ,MCCPM),來求提升油壓平台的控制及軌跡追縱能力。在論文中會推導油壓平台的動態公式,找出各缸所承受力量,來做為油壓缸計算力 (Computed force)控制的依據,並以MCCPM來計算求得空間中軌跡誤差所需的補償量。於後面章節,提出以簡單的適應控制法並結結合切削力等外力模組,來做為往後更進一步加工機發展的控制基礎。本論文最後會經由實驗,來證明油壓平台及新控制器的工作效能及軌跡追踨的成果。
Parallel hydraulic manipulator can provide large power to take heavy loading. It can do arbitrary position in workspace, so that it is generally used for flight simulation. As industrial progress, demand for cutting large and heavy work-piece is gradually increased. If hydraulic manipulator is utilized for large-scale cutting machine, then the efficiency and quality could be improved. Therefore, the key of hydraulic manipulator development is to improve the control efficacy and trajectory tracking.
In this paper, computed force control of hydraulic manipulator is presented. In addition, MCCPM, Multi-axis cross-coupled pre-compensation method, is introduced to improve the tracking ability. Dynamic formulation of hydraulic manipulator is developed for deriving the acting force on links, and computed control force; MCCPM can obtain tracking velocity to compensate trajectory error. A simplified adaptive control strategy, with external force model, is advised for the future implementation and development. Further, experimental results are presented, and also achievement of this new controller is presented.


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