標題: 品牌權益影響快速時尚服飾消費者購買行為之研究-以台北市消費者為例
The Study on the Impact of Brand Equity on the Purchase Behavior of fast fashion apparel for Consumers in Taipei City
作者: 林欣煌
Lin, Sin-Huang
Chen, Guang-Hwa
關鍵字: 快速時尚服飾;產品屬性;品牌權益;消費者行為;fast fashion apparel;product attribute;brand equity;consumer behavior
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 2010年Uniqlo進駐臺灣,引發大量排隊人潮,隔年Zara也跟隨著進入臺灣市場,開幕當日更吸引萬人前往購物。全球快速時尚風潮吹往臺灣,H&M、Gap等其他尚未進駐的品牌也是為許多消費者所知。配合低成本的生產體制,迅速納入消費者對產品期望的快速回應系統,造就了快速時尚的市場品牌定位。 本研究希望透過問卷收集的方式,了解消費者購買快速時尚品牌服飾的所注重的產品屬性,以及消費者品牌權益的認知程度對購買實態的影響。本研究蒐集有效問卷共433份,並利用EKB模式中的消費者決策過程變數為研究架構,來探討人口統計變數對購買實態、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性與品牌權益的關係。研究結果顯示,不同消費集群的人口統計變數,在購買實態、資訊來源、購買動機、產品屬性與品牌權益均有顯著差異。 關鍵字:快速時尚服飾、產品屬性、品牌權益、消費者行為
In 2010, Uniqlo stationed in Taiwan, opened its first shop in Taipei, a large number of the crowd. Following that, ZARA reached out its business branch into Taiwan in next year. The trend of global fast fashion has impacted Taiwan’s apparel market. Besides, the other brands which have not yet entered Taiwan such as H&M and Gap also have been known by Taiwan’s customers. Integrated with low-cost production system and rapid response to consumer product expectations, accumulated as a market brand positioning of fast fashion. In this study, a total of 433 valid questionnaires were collected The objective of this study is to understand which product attributes were considered by consumers, as well as how consumer’s awareness of brand equity to affect their purchase behavior through the consumer behavior research of fast fashion apparel. In this study, a total of 433 valid questionnaires were collected. This study utilized consumer decision process variables of EKB model as research framework to explore the relationships of demographic variables between purchase of real state, information sources, buying motives, product attributes and brand equity. The empirical results reveal that all of these relationships are significant which means that demographic variables are affected by these variables. Keywords:fast fashion apparel, product attribute, brand equity, consumer behavior
Appears in Collections:Thesis