標題: 以財務指標分析數位遊戲產業的競爭優勢
Analysis of Competitive Advantages of Digital Game Industry with Financial Indicators
作者: 張本恒
Chang, Pen-Heng
Tang, Ying-Chan
關鍵字: 數位遊戲產業;資源構型;競爭優勢;策略族群;因素分析;集群分析;Digital game industry;Resource configuration;Strategic group;Competitive advantage;Factor analysis;Cluster analysis
公開日期: 2012
摘要: The global market for digital games is expected to grow from $67 billion in 2012 to $83 billion in 2017. This forecast includes revenue from dedicated console games, PC games and mobile games for portable devices such as mobile phones and tablets as a secondary feature. This research inherits the resource configuration model proposed by Tang and Liou (2010). After removed incomplete data and outliers from Standard & Poor Compustat database, the study analyzes 61 corporations in the industry. By means of factor analysis, we extract four resource configurations from ten financial indicators as follows: inventory management ability, R&D management ability, asset management ability, and customer management ability. Then, we conduct two-step cluster analysis into use to classify those companies into five strategic groups as given in the list below: retailer cluster, operating performance cluster, competitive weakness cluster, upcoming cluster, and traditional manufacturer cluster. In the end, we examine their financial performance and derive the most ideal configuration for the digital industry.
The global market for digital games is expected to grow from $67 billion in 2012 to $83 billion in 2017. This forecast includes revenue from dedicated console games, PC games and mobile games for portable devices such as mobile phones and tablets as a secondary feature. This research inherits the resource configuration model proposed by Tang and Liou (2010). After removed incomplete data and outliers from Standard & Poor Compustat database, the study analyzes 61 corporations in the industry. By means of factor analysis, we extract four resource configurations from ten financial indicators as follows: inventory management ability, R&D management ability, asset management ability, and customer management ability. Then, we conduct two-step cluster analysis into use to classify those companies into five strategic groups as given in the list below: retailer cluster, operating performance cluster, competitive weakness cluster, upcoming cluster, and traditional manufacturer cluster. In the end, we examine their financial performance and derive the most ideal configuration for the digital industry.